
Unsurprisingly, give people freedom of speech and an awful lot will use it to say something stupid. I wouldn't be surprised by this either way, real or fake.

See, the thing is that nerd culture was *never* inclusive, it was just exclusive in a different way. There were few nerds around because very few people were willing to accept that label. Now that there's a HUGE level of popularity behind nerd culture, the existing members of it needed to find a way to retain the

Well, the internet, at least, is completely inclusive, to the mind melting degree that you get whack jobs like the guy in these videos.

For my part I find the whole practice of distributing live video of yourself playing a video game with a huge link asking for money for doing so obnoxious regardless of sex or what you're wearing. *Shrug* If people want to pay for such things I guess it's no skin off my back.

In fairness, I imagine he'd have similar complaints if some guy set up such a stream while in a David Bowie-esque bulge suit on display.

"Tell you what, when you discover a group dedicated to harassing children"

You don't see any difference at all between a competing consumer software platform that requires purchasing brand new multi-thousand dollar hardware to switch to and a competing search platform that requires, in total, typing a different URL into your address bar to switch to(or, heck, just using the default search

Well, it matters for a few reasons. One is, as you mentioned, that the number of times the game copy can be distributed is far more limited for used games than for piracy. The second is that there's a major dis-incentive to distributing a used game you've bought: you can't use it anymore.

"Legality asside they're practically the same thing with the damage they do. "

Or, hell, sell them to adults who can decide for themselves what to play and give the proceeds to the families affected by the shooting.

So, reading through the article, the actual game collection seems to be done in a very responsible way: asking parents to look at the games their kids are playing and talk with them to decide whether to keep them and, if not trade them in.

In fairness to him, almost nobody said the actual *game* Mass Effect 3 was bad. The vast majority of people just complained about the last ~10 minutes, during which there was no real gameplay and you just kinda find out what happens.

"She didn't even bother researching or understanding the back story at all."

"She apart of a minority in the video game word that games should be dumbed down or changed so women can play."

If people don't think she's good at what she does then they have a right to say so, just like they do with every other creative work.

"She's advocating for breaking many ppl's most favorite toy"

Jack Thompson has actively file lawsuits to try to block people from buying video games. You honestly don't see any difference between that and voicing an opinion that women aren't portrayed well in current games?

Perhaps, then, they should also include werewolves and a special god mode where you turn into Zeus and can zap people with lightning.

While I understand the sentiment in that Rock, Paper, Shotgun post, there has to be SOME layer of common sense applied. Tribal societies(and just generally less technologically and/or culturally advanced ones) really do tend to feature ideas of magic and superstition significantly more than, say, people from the

Huh. The art style and colors were generally just crazy with giant glowing mushrooms everywhere and each city having a radically different architectural style.