
You do realize that, however much you may dislike it, gas prices generally reflect the state of the economy in the exact *opposite* way from what you're stating, yes? By your logic, late 2008/early 2009 was an amazing economic boom, since gas prices went down all the way to ~$1.60

Ya, and I played it pretty regularly for ~7 years or so. Just because a game is good doesn't mean every aspect of all future iterations are off-limits for criticism.

I find myself far more interested in playing this mock-game than its namesake.

"catchy techniques to get you to keep playing."

This is the second game I've seen in two days to adopt Bastion's floating-tiles method of level design. Is this going to be a thing now?

Very true, that's why I avoided using "prettier"

Sure, but those problems do *not* extend to the point where everybody making anything for them is "losing billions", which is what was claimed in regards to what would happen if Sony allowed consoles to be hacked.

Right, because absolutely NOBODY is making any money selling anything for devices that have been hacked. I know iOS/Android apps are a wasteland and absolutely nobody makes PC software.

Not gonna lie, looks like a more graphics intensive, less interesting Bastion.

"Then I began wondering: maybe such a concession was necessary, because it helped make the game more palatable for people who may not want to deal with the full weight of the issue."

"Doesn't that mean the actor cannot play a character of Chinese background?"

"I am almost certain that the launch sales will be less than expected"

I stand by my argument in the recent anonymous publisher ama thing: If your game isn't good enough for player to actually play it without paying for cheats, then it has no business existing.

Note that in the original statement, Nintendo said nothing about what possibilities *didn't* work, just threw out some that did. Totilo took that to mean that those were the only possibilities that would work. It's not nintendo's fault that a blogger somewhere spread misinformation.

So... this statement that wireless headsets do, in fact, work with the Wii U is "proof that most japanese developers have their heads so far up their asses that they are too proud to ever try out other non-jp technology and see what works"? Did you just miss your chance to post this in yesterday's article, so decided

It sounds like he isn't giving his own opinion on what's "normal", but rather simply questioning the masterballs69's opinion on what's "normal". Obviously, you can pretty easily tell from his tone which side of this fence he's on, but there's nothing wrong with questioning or pointing out flaws in someone's argument.

It takes it's time for sure. Drive is not for those with ADHD

"I kept waiting for the moment when things would change, but the movie just seemed to drag out into forever."

That shotgun scene caught me so off guard. All the sudden it went straight from incredibly slow paced romance to crazy action movie in about 1/10 of a second.