
Did you miss the entire latter half of the movie?

Don't forget the elaborate scorpion-patched jacket.

Drive was an excellent film.

Actually, from the very first time they showed it off, at E3 2011, they stated that range would depend on materials in your building. Which is kinda common sense. It's using a wireless connection, of course it isn't going to have infinite range, and of course it's going to depend on what is between the controller and

"You won't be using that for the games mentioned, they all use the Classic Controller Pro."

Moreover, I tend to just mute any people I *do* encounter using headsets.

"Yesterday we were told that you can still play a full version of a game on the tablet style controller, but now that can be hampered by the materials that your house walls are constructed out of, or if your entertainment center utilizes certain forms of metal."

But then wouldn't the obvious step(at least, in terms of quality) be to cut out the grinding entirely, such that the whole game *is* the good stuff?

I think one of the most disturbing trends I see in gaming has to do with DLC cheats(essentially paying to unlock something rather than having to grind for it), and the obvious natural tendency for that to push publishers and developers towards making gameplay more tedious. Do you see this as a problem and, if so, do

*looks at minecraft*

Seriously, though, not sure you can argue that because people like paying now, that that's some kind of problem with the industry.

In fairness, it's really no different in that respect(in terms of developers not being able to count on it being there) than the XBox 360. The base 360 model comes with 4GB of storage, vs. 8GB in the base Wii U. Sure, there's larger capacity 360's, but it's certainly not a safe assumption in any regard for a developer

"There is no overarching story! There are their own games."

The pad doesn't process anything. The Wii U sends a video feed to the pad and the pad sends back button info, that's it. The game still runs on the Wii U.

"Most of those seconds were taken up by him reacting to me. The machine itself moved the graphics to the controller right away."

Ya, Nintendo. What are you doing solving problems?

Well, that or they could overlay the touch controls on top of the normal game graphics.


I was thinking ponyta myself.

"regarding the silhouette on the left: Epona, from Zelda. And on the left?"