
You win the internet for the day.

Perhaps then have competing reviews side by side? One from someone with experience with that sort of game and another without it? Then the one without it could freely criticize any aspect of gameplay without having to worry about the possibility that gamers who play that genre attack him/her over what's actually an

From reading through this, it sounds like the bigger issue is that Owen is incompetent to review games like F1 and Hockey(note that here I'm not using "incompetent" as an insult, but merely to state that he doesn't have the background required to truly assess these games. I would be equally incompetent to review

That is true. And from my experience, it appears people say that because they hated the Wii and assume the Wii U must also be low-powered. Also, there were some rumors posted anonymously on forums a few months back that it was weak.

... and his site just blew up.

This is based on....?

So I get how Myst ties in, but what's with the comparison to The Witness?

Right, but wouldn't it make some sense to wait until we *do* hear how it's going to work? Rather than just assuming that because it hasn't been fully detailed to the public that it doesn't exist(despite numerous statements and common sense to the contrary) and, therefore proclaiming the console to be horrible?

"The WiiU is just now catching up to 360 and PS3 visuals from 2006."

Agreed. Those moments when you're down to 5% health with no power and have to face a bunch of the soldiers really do put you in that spot of "Holy shit, I'm going to die. I need to be REALLY careful"

Physics is a bit odd for now adays.

What... went wrong with your game? Did all the scientists and security guards in all sections fail to load?

Booo! Opposing Force before Blue Shift!

As he stated, this lacks the ending of the original. So if you jump from this to Half Life 2 you're going to have no damn idea what's going on(you probably still won't, but at least the ending helps get you a *little* grounded)

Well, of note, I didn't mean the part about random generation of textures as a optimization technique, but rather as something that very strongly stresses the CPU. It's doing perlin noise calculations with 9 octaves over 1024x512 textures and then converting that data to rgb values and calculating normals based on it

I'm doing this:

I... what? There's nothing inherent in android that would give you worse performance. Code your app better.

That brings to mind disturbing imagery.

I see what you did there.

Don't forget to get him Zombi U and Ninja Gaiden 3.