
Big head mode aside, I feel like the character models all kinda look like they just took pictures of people walking down the street(at least, when not hollowed). None of them really seem very "bad-ass", they all just look kinda wimpy and meek. I suppose it fits, considering how often you get your ass handed to you.

The new yoshi's aside, look at any of the diagonal lines in the screenshots. I immediately knew which was which 'cause the Wii game was aliased as all hell.

Pretty easy, actually. Look at any diagonal line on them and it's immediately apparent which is which.

That's... not true at all. From a user perspective, you're essentially arguing that the Wii wasn't too far off from the XBox 360/PS3 since, hey, resolution is one of the least important aspects, correct? That's pretty clearly off base.

Let's see, for $50 you can get a... 320GB USB HDD. Which is more than is *possible* to have on the XBox 360(PS3 can match it, but only if the user replaces the hdd, so same hidden cost there)

Now you get TWO pikmin games!

One does not simply break the Wii U gamepad.

True, and to specify, I'm not really blaming the developers. Taking somebody else's code when absolutely nobody on your team worked on it originally and then trying to port it to a brand new console that, again, nobody on your team has ever coded for is insanely difficult.

In fairness, it's pretty historically accurate. Analog sticks, motion controls, hell, even this tablet controller idea. Nintendo comes up with some relatively large new feature that they announce and you can pretty regularly count on it appearing on the other consoles 1-2 years later(for better or worse).

It's the only example we have of the same game, with the same graphics running on all 3 systems(where we have direct stats w/ respect to resolution and framerate). The fact that the Wii U puts out 4x as many pixels in the same amount of time vs. the 360 or PS3 indicates a lot, regardless of whether it's because the

Fair enough, and it more or less proves my point.

Actually, yes. It does.

Notably: they don't tend to claim it's running in full HD for those, where they did here.I suppose we'll find out, but for now it would appear that it's running in native 1080p60.

" It's worth noting that Rocksteady Games aren't handling the Wii U version of this Bat-game. Instead, Warner Bros.' Montreal Burbank studio is handling the port."

Except that, as you said, they adjust graphics quality. The native resolution on the PS3/Xbox 360 of Call of Duty games are right around 540p, where they stated the Wii U was running it in full HD(1080p), while still maintaining that 60fps.

CoD games run in 540p60 on the 360/PS3. So I suppose if you consider 4x the resolution at the same framerate to be "slightly better", then yes.

Correction: The Wii U has similar hardware to the PS3 or XBox *according to anonymous, completely inconsistent reports, posted in forums*.

Same kind of supercomputer from 2000 with 32GB, I s'pose. Honestly, it just seemed weird to (accurately) label that as 2000 when his original comment used it.

Admittedly, I don't play much multiplayer at all anymore, split screen or otherwise. But I remember back in the day playing split screen with my friends, it took an extreme effort of will to not notice where they were in an attempt to play fair(and avoid claims of screen-looking)

They never do, never have. That said, Activision claimed it gets full HD at 60fps for BOps 2, which is a hell of a lot better than the 540p60 the PS3 and 360 get.