
I don't think you use the touch screen to aim the crossbow, you still use the analog sticks. It just displays the view from the scope on the screen on the controller.

No exclusives, but "Mojang has committed that Minecraft (and their other games) will be on OUYA" and the makers of Canabalt made a version specifically for it already.

"And a much smaller install base, meaning less profit."

Google's cut is 30%. Anybody bashing Apple for taking that much is an idiot.

Most of your arguments apply just as well to the current crop of consoles. Virtually any PC can handle XBox 360/PS3 level games, most better than those consoles themselves can.

Good find. Adding up everything there that could possibly apply to this lands it at $77. Of course, that doesn't include the controller, though it does still include things like gyro/accelerometer/GPS since there wasn't enough granularity for me to remove them.

Shocker: Video game console company who claims on their kickstarter page that they take 30% of sales of any games will take a portion of the money from sales of games.

"So you are telling me that a console in which you can easily root and put whatever you want to on it won't let you download any apps and stuff for free? You've never rooted a device before have you?"

Ya, that's why I've been so confused with this whole thing. I suppose I really shouldn't care, I haven't enjoyed a Blizzard game since Diablo 2, but dammit, I still have a fond spot in my heart for Blizzard from my childhood!

So, reading the source article: "Vivendi SA (VIV) Chairman Jean-Rene Fourtou, looking for a buyer for the company’s $8.1 billion stake in Activision Blizzard Inc. (ATVI), is finding little enthusiasm among potential suitors."

Is there any word on what they're going to do with Blizzard? I keep seeing these articles only reference Activision, but there *is* no company called "Activision". It's "Activision/Blizzard". Are they splitting them up, or trying to sell both?

"Games will just be mobile games like angry birds, canabalt, etc. Don't look to find any interesting or compelling exclusives here."

Sounds like nobody but Nintendo, Sega, and a few now-defunct studios are going to care.


It could, but if it does, don't expect MW585935986659438 with super crazy next-gen graphics. Making games for modern systems with the level of graphics that a lot of gamers expect is an expensive venture(that's why all these major publishers exist who you keep hearing about ripping off the development studios).

"And who would ever develop games for it (intentionally)?"

OK, but why does, say, Mojang care if you can play pirated 80's/90's games on your console?

Paying it forward.

" You refuse to give people the right or ability to fuck with *anything* inside the console and out, and you're under the impression they'll still stay inside your pre-defined lines?"

The games aren't free. At least some part of them has to be, but that part can be a demo.