
Any word on the hardware inside? I'm interested in what chipset this would use. Offhand, I'm guessing the Kai platform(low cost Tegra 3), but I think it'd be interesting to get something better in there,even if it pushes up the cost a bit.

Found you and invited(figured out I could do it from my phone). I didn't even realize usernames were non-unique.

I'm gonna go with "clumsy satire". There's just no way someone said "They can't handle it physically, emotionally, or digitally." and was serious.

Okaaaaay.... I'm not seeing what that has to do with anything here. She's (very clearly) trying to make a show about hyper-sexualization of women in games. Which is kinda a valid point(i.e. find a female character in a game who's A: Self-reliant and B: Not sexualized in any way. Now, make a list of male characters who

Hm, was it the same way for The Witness? Is it the same for other game concepts you've come up with?

Interesting.. for my own game(it is single player... well.. kinda. It's complicated), I'm thinking of releasing an early version(hopefully soon) that will basically feature none of the story line/etc of the finished game. It'll basically be just a sampling of the overarching gameplay.

I do. I *believe* it's MarcusMaximus(though, honestly, I don't pay a lot of attention, since I haven't used it much for any kind of social thing. When I get home tonight, I'll check it and update this if it's not). Better way to get in contact with me in general is via google talk/email/google+/etc. Basically my

Ya, and I can see all that for just comments, but these people are doing DDoS attacks on her website, stealing her personal information and publishing it online, attempting to defame her on wikipedia, actively threatening her person, etc. These people aren't upset that she's pushing a view they don't want to see take

Ya, ditto. At this point I feel like I just keep finding things to add just so I never have to actually release it(the latest one is porting the whole damn thing, an Android game, to Chrome Native Client). Anyway, it's really heartening to see others with the same problems.

In fairness, it was kinda a dick question.

As a starting-out indie game developer, it's good to know that's a common problem. I was starting to think I had put too much hope into such things actually being for me.

This is primarily for Jonathan Blow(mainly because I'm better acquainted with his work):

Oh, I know. I'm just saying I can see some slight irritation at seeing what's basically the same article over and over again on your favorite gaming news site. Not even really excusing that, but just saying I can see what the mentality is there.

I don't even understand what the mentality is that's going on here. What the hell are they so angry about?

I can't find any connection between the image and your comment, but decided that's ok. That image kicks ass such that it justifies itself.

Umm... I wasn't referring to the bosses. Obviously they're generally easy to tank through.

Well, any single affix can be dealt with. The only time it comes to being pretty much impossible is in a few combinations, mostly involving Jailer(i.e. Jailer and Arcane) or invulnerable minions(though I've encountered things like teleport/firechains that can make it pretty impossible too). Even in those situations,

Eh, I don't care how good of gear you have, you're gonna get destroyed in inferno unless you get good at timing your attacks/movement appropriately.

Actually, thinking about it, the fact that you first have to try to *find* the maze only makes it that much better.

There was a comment thread on the article "I like the Wii U. I like it a lot" article yesterday where EdibleFood made a maze using the new comment system. Unfortunately, and ironically, because of the new comment system I can no longer find it. So find that and that's the comment I nominate.