
*sigh* See what you did, Jezebel? Now every game company out there has learned that rape must no longer be acknowledged as a real thing in any way, shape or form.

In the vast majority(at least) of those games, the people you're killing are other soldiers who are also trying to kill you.

Seconded. Wheel of Time is excellent.

"Sorry to break it to you, but they were plot holes until they were explained, and you can't use hindsight to pretend like they weren't plot holes before."

'And yes, an explosion that can somehow determine regardless of technology used whether or not something is an AI vs a VI is still "space magic." '

For #1, that's partially true. The Geth(and Edi) are wiped out but it paves the way for future synthetics who will never need to be.

"Now you can relate to all the people they felt like the original endings were rushed and riddled with plot-holes and condescension."

The original ending showed the Mass Relays break apart and then later showed the crew of Normandy alive and well and later on showed what's clearly two humans over some new landmass orbiting the Earth long after the events took place.

1. That's not really true. Saren needed the Ilos conduit in order to get onto the citadel because he wasn't *on* the citadel. He needed a customized Mass relay that could take him directly to the Citadel. In ME3, the reapers are already in control of the citadel, which is explained in ME1 to be its own customizable

"You go for the Destroy ending the whole time only to find out it'll somehow magically destroy all AI's including EDI and the Geth"

1. No. They aren't. Saren and Sovereign weren't really *needed* but we already knew that as of ME2, when we found out the Reapers were on their way anyway. Sovereign was supposed to take control of the Citadel and warp the Reapers immediately to it. If he had succeeded, that'd be the immediate end, the Galaxy hadn't

"The only way BioWare could have possibly pleased everyone was by polling each individual player and crafting a version of the ending specifically for them."

That's... not a very good source. If nothing else, the fact that he says:

"That's not correct, all we knew and were told is that a relay blowing up = death of the system it's in."

While I can see your point, that typically doesn't happen. Said new employees get a pretty cushy salary and are tightly monitored by the company who hires them. People give up those sentiments pretty easily when there's good amounts of money involved.

*Ahem* You might want to try replaying the ending with strength assets listed in the article above.

"That's a pretty optimistic view of their future.

I think the idea is that just because you do something once doesn't really mean you'll do it repeatedly, especially after being caught and imprisoned for doing it in the first place.

"Also, don't let them ever get on the Internet again or else back to jail. You drunk drive they take your license, if you fuck with the Internet you should get that right revoked"

I'm fairly sure even doing that you won't permanently lose your license. There's very few things you can be permanently banned from because of a single offense. Really, it's only murder(in which case you can get banned from.. well.. everything), and raping small children(in which case you're banned from going near