
Ummm... at least in most states in the US you don't just permanently lose your license for drunk driving once.

"This is not accurate.. 3rd party's (SEGA, UbiSoft) initially supported Wii but left after 3rd party games sold poorly on the Wii."

*Yawn* Yet more claims that it's underpowered by anonymous sources, while all the named ones say nothing of the kind.

"be a good girl and learn to take abuse quietly, then maybe you'll find a rich husband."

Ya... no thanks. Not having saves at all didn't make those games challenging, it made them tedious. "Oh, I messed up for 1/2 a second and now have to start over and repeat the last 5 hours of gameplay" isn't exactly an enjoyable experience.

Who knows, maybe they'll add in physics puzzles like Valve did with HL2.

Personally, I preferred Eurasia.

I think you replied to the wrong person.

True, the ease of gaining levels is something I've found fairly annoying about D3. The fact that you can so quickly solo your way to level 60 does kinda take the wind out of the sails of the game beyond that point, I suppose.

... the common sense answer would be that he made ~17.6% more to counteract it. Dropped items are free, so he's still making 85% of the total sales price as pure profit.

So is the general complaint that no such difficulty exists? I'm not sure why you'd want one, but if that's what everyone is really after in terms of complaints against inferno difficulty... *shrug* to each his own.

Right, so the absolute best of the best players can prove their bad-assness and get the best of the best gear by playing inferno.

I wasn't making fun of players having difficulty in inferno. He never once mentioned inferno in his post.

That's only true if each piece of gear is equally valuable to all players. Having an incredibly rare item whose stats are amazing for one class but worthless for any other, and then spreading the chance of that item dropping equally among all classes makes it most likely that the person to get it will be one that has

"What they need to do is just tone down the damage in Inferno (since it's the one difficulty level meant to be played at the level cap from the start) and then make another difficulty called "Masochist" or something"

I'm expecting Inferno difficulty to be intensely difficult. Maybe Belial will actually get the best of me this time.

"Why else the exorbitant fees for armor repair if not to make sure you cant actually buy any gear except with real money. "

You managed to die with a Monk against Belial? HOW? Mine is currently in Act 4 Hell and through each difficulty, I literally just sat there pounding him and taking all his attacks and didn't die.

Ugh, how 'bout a little artistic integrity in the mix for the future? How about providing a game and saying "Here, this is the game, that's all there is" and let it be a complete package in itself, rather than having people pay different amounts for substantially different experiences?

I guess I should clarify, I'm speaking more from the utilitarian school of Hedonism([] ), which emphasizes overall pleasure, not just that of the person practicing it(note that this wouldn't even necessarily be community pleasure, but net amount of pleasure in the universe).