
Even if you miss you'll land amongst the moon! ...or something.

"but it would simultaneously be a logical fallacy to say those who have made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of others had done something immoral and unseemly. Therefore, it is not a valid life philosophy."

It is.

Those molehills are larger than Blizzard is willing to accept. Halo Wars was a decent RTS... for a console one. It still prohibits the kind of control Blizzard wants for its games. As a regular player of Starcraft and Warcraft, I was immediately frustrated by Halo Wars controls, and, by and large, that appears to have

Ya, that's what I thought of as well, though you're still left with the hotkey issue.

None of their games would really work well on consoles. RTS's generally suck on consoles because the lack of good controls.

It's a touch easier to feel for ASDF without looking, since you have the large keys directly to the left of the 'A' key. Also, it's closer to both shift and control keys, making it easier to hit them(try putting your middle 3 fingers over S/E/F and keeping your pinky over control. Then do the same with those 3 fingers

I'm less concerned with time issues and more concerned with the fact that there's not much of a way to take into account players who can be game-breakingly powerful via mods. Hell, even without mods it's pretty easy to make a character who's invincible by around level 25.

"For what its worth, I do love me some RTS games and it seems that that would be the closest genre to compare it to."

"Over-priced, too."

Right, but you can notice certain things in peripheral vision. A good example in the case of the Wii U would be ZombiU. As you poke through your inventory on the gamepad, the game keeps running. If a zombie suddenly walks around a corner near you, you're going to notice and quickly put away your inventory so you can

"The problem is that the new controller is not ergonomically designed nor comfortable for extended play periods."

"Nintendo, did you forget that we dont have 4 eyes? People will look to the gamepad and the TV at the same time?"

I haven't seen any rumors of the 6xxx series for the Wii U(I have heard such for the next xbox). That said, depending on *which* 4xxx and 6xxx chips each one is based on, there might not be a large(or any) gap in terms of performance, especially if the chip Nintendo is modified to include re-writable tessellation

Sure. For some games the ability to point directly at the screen, rather than having to use an analog stick allows for superior accuracy and faster reaction time. A good example would be Resident Evil 4, which played far better on the Wii than it did one the PS2. But for the lack of graphics capability, the Wii was

Right, but that means that it really only needs 1 and 3. It already had 2. Which was my point.

Huh... why did you drop Monty Python at 14? Feeling rebellious?

Hmm? The few times it became necessary to do this, I figured out that it was because my wireless sensor bar's batteries died.

"How about adding auto-calibration in the background when the controller lost its precision (recover in seconds)?"