
I think for the skyrim example, it has more to do with the distance between the light source's near plane and the object casting a shadow. If that distance is large, then the caster will be very small in the map, and therefore pixelated, causing the jaggy shadows since you can't anti alias a shadow map(for obvious

What I found interesting is just how much cool stuff WAS announced for the Wii U, just either not mentioned at all during the keynote/40000 meetings or briefly name dropped. Pikmin 3, ZombiU, Project P-100, TANK! TANK! TANK!, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Lego City all look like amazing games, and are all confirmed

The first one was ok... the 4000000 sequels... ugh.

"I'd also point out that the Wii U IS smaller and IS NOT more powerful. Multiple devs said so."

The slim Xbox 360 and ps3 are also limited to using roughly the same tech as the previous ones, in order to ensure they work exactly the same as the old ones. The Wii U is under no such restrictions. I'd also point out that the Wii U IS smaller and IS more powerful. Multiple devs said so.

Kotaku just mentioned Activision but the source article says "Activision/Blizzard". It's a single entity so you sell one, you sell both.

Who cares about Activision? THEY'RE SELLING BLIZZARD

I won't argue #1, it's way too subjective and depends entirely on the bias of the person discussing it(well, aside from noting that several dev studios have come out publicly saying it's much more powerful).

I think the idea is not all players are equal. So you have one main player and then the others either back him up or try to take him down. That main player in this case has the Wii U gamepad, and has a lot more information and controls than the others do.

Huh... for the second one that sounds more like a bonus to me. I mean, which is really the bigger immersion breaker? Having to pause the game, pull up a menu, shift things around without having to worry at all about anything happening and then going back to your "scary" game, or looking down and going through your

Wait, wait, wait, you mean technology that's 7 years newer can be both smaller -AND- more powerful? That's... that's amazing. Next thing you're going to tell me that the Wii is smaller and more powerful than the original XBox. Crazy, that's crazy talk!

*Raises eyebrow at Goldeneye falling into that category*

"Hardcore" games: ZombiU, ME3, Ninja Gaiden 3, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Batman AC, Darksiders 2, AC3

That's... not saying what you think it's saying. Nintendo doesn't use exchange rates like that, they've consistently just chopped off the last 2 zeros from the yen amount and used that as the US price(the wii was 25,000 yen and $250 and 250 euros; as was the 3DS).

Correction: Iwata went on record saying it will most likely not be sub-200. He never said anything about $250. Kotaku even mistakenly ran that article yesterday thinking it was new.

PG rep: "OK, see, he's about to attack you so you might want to dodge or activate the defensive mode."

I said it before and I'll say it again until I see it happen: This needs Non-Specific Action Figure. Make it happen, Platinum Games.

I'm still not getting the difference. The two primary methods of rendering shadows I know of are

Source on it being cheaper? Also, with the number of decent games for the Vita, I'm not really sure the whole "more useful" argument holds water.