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Please stop making me sad by posting pictures of amazing long roofs that I cannot buy.

I saw one of these land at Dulles Int while going to the Udvar Hazy Air and Space museum. The sheer size of these things is freaking amazing. Its crazy to think we are able to get something that large into the air.

Officer Stone: “It looks like you’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, a SMOOTH criminal.”

I think you accidentally uploaded pictures of the current gen Passat and not the new one.

The A380 is not a good looking plane from head on. In fact, its kinda ugly. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen this angle before, but it looks like it has a giant forehead.

It doesn’t help that most of Gen X was first alerted to the mere presence of the EPA by this guy. In my mind, he still works at the EPA in real life:

Club Mazda welcomes drivers from all walks of life. We do not judge, we do not threaten, we do not belittle. Come.

Yeah but 911s are a dime a dozen (for good reason, they’re great great cars). The AMG GT is just... cooler.

The 3rd play pretty well sums up Auburn in one highlight. What in the world kind of tackle was that?

nothing to see here but poor tackling.


FRAM was the OEM supplier to Ferrari for a big chunk of their history (they sponsored the racing team). If you want your Ferrari to be car show correct, you might need a FRAM.

How it should have ended:

It sounds even angrier:

It is not shocking to see this type of business practice. It seems to spring up from time to time, then prices rebound back to even keel. These companies seem to strut around, thinking they are above the law until they get jounced back to reality. The fine seems pretty stiff but you know what they say, those are the

Here’s my ‘86 F-150 I did a while back. I love engine details because its usually one of the best ‘before & after’ you can have on a vehicle.