Just so we’re clear, if Danny Glover shoots this guy, I wasn’t involved beyond founding the Kickstarter to arm and train him.
I don’t know, but it looks like fun. About a thousand times better than watching this shitty Vikings/49ers game being called by shitty Trent Dilfer and human-nails-on-a-chalkboard Chris Berman.
Speaking of cocksucking monkeys, game 2 has reminded me how much Trent Dilfer makes me want to crawl out of my skin and punch myself in the face over and over until I can’t hear Trent Dilfer anymore.
The badass with the eye patch was a strong highlight.
That’s not how fantasy football works.
There are plenty of more boring, anonymous car sites you can go read if you hate fun and writers with personalities!
For the average person, the easiest way to track a supercar is through a “supercar experience”-type program. Many of…
I asked my wife, “This new Prius looks pretty sweet, huh?”
Wife: [Raises eyebrow, frowns, slightly turns away.]
FYI this man and not Walt Disney wrote the Toccata and Fuga in D minor...
I recently had the opportunity to spend an evening with several of the fine men of southern New Jersey law…
yeah, this is some Andy Kaufman-level shit going on right here.