
Suddenly the Murano CrossCabriolet seems not that bad....

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You can actually walk right up to lions and take their food if you have the requisite swagger.

To anyone who says yes

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The C-5M climbs surprisingly fast for how big it is; I’ve seen climb rates greater than 7000 feet per minute.

Of course.

Terrible Synth power ballad.

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Sounds like Honda’s 250cc (!!!) inline-six. 42cc/cylinder!

The hunt for red October. Your man card has been revoked.

“Mr. Ambassador, you have nearly a hundred naval vessels operating in the North Atlantic right now. Your aircraft has dropped enough sonar buoys so that a man could walk from Greenland to Iceland to Scotland without getting his feet wet. Now, shall we dispense with the bull?”

After they got about 30ft away the dental floss connecting their cups broke and communication was lost. They’re all just chillin submerged 30ft from dock trying to send carrier pigeons but they keep drowning. Fuckin pigeons.

“It is the official car for boyfriends pointing it out to their girlfriends when they see it on the street.”

Go to a childrens hospital and offer kids rides in a three-wheeled-AutoBot/Batmobile.

Saw a bunch of those around Suburban Cchicago in the 90’s and even when visiting family in Iowa. They were everywhere.

Southern Comfort was the name on those trucks and SUVs in Louisiana.

I still see a lot of those around whenever I go to Mexico.

If that were from Oklahoma it would have a back rack, mud on the tires, a livestock sticker and parts of the door step would be broken off and missing.

“You could have this R63 for the price of a new C400!”

No R63 AMG?