Sir... this is an Arbys.
no no! but that Wendy’s is near an official government building ( with paid parking ) so they have a towing company on contract to remove people who park in the Wendy’s for hours on end to avoid the paid parking. That’s legit and makes sense but the towing company was a bit like A1, I guess.
They towed a car as soon as…
Sis has a hybrid Camry and I drive an Element, and if it were still being made, it could be on the list. One of the many FB groups of owners/drivers I’m on, it seems to be a contest which of us can turn over 500,000.
here you go:
It’s frankun-SHTEENED!
“tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all’
thought someone was playing the intro to Van Halen’s “Hot For Teacher”
I got my head checked, By a jumbo jet. Woo-hooo!
This sounds like the perfect car for you if your idea of fun is going to car meets and spending the whole time arguing that your car IS a legitimate Grand National, and not just a Lesabre with Grand National badges. If your dream car doesn’t involve a life time of “Well, akshully…” with strangers, then look elsewhere.…
I have two Elements (2006 & 2010) and they’re some of the most over-engineered cars ever. Tolerances are so tight and materials are surprisingly good. Stay on top of the oil and fluids and they’ll easily go over 400,000 miles. This is a nice price for a car that will get you there comfortably, is a road-tripper’s…