
Miyoko Butter is truly incredible, but it is expensive. Thankfully, Miyoko Schinner herself has a cookbook (The Homemade Vegan Pantry) where she tells you how to make it yourself at a fraction of the cost! My wife makes tons of it, it’s super easy to do, so we always have Miyoko Butter around.

Disney is gonna be so cheap it’s an easy add-on. I currently pay for Netflix, Hulu, and CBS All Access (love me that Trek) and I think we’re gonna go for Disney as well. We have Prime but I’m seriously considering dropping it, except I do love The Tick. And we sub to Google Play Music and that includes Youtube so I

How weird. I’ve thought for a while that Donald Trump as President totally reminds me of my divorced dad. It’s weird because my dad is nothing like Trump - he’s supremely intelligent, classy, loves art, he has his blind spots and can sometimes be a royal pain in the butt, but he’s overall a good father and has

It sounds like Mira Sorvino’s wonderful voice for playing Romy White. I keep waiting for Holmes to ask they have a special for businesswomen.

I’m a native Spanish speaker (from Argentina). I am totally fine with Tony Kushner doing crappy Spanish in his early rough drafts of this script. At this point he’s just trying to make sure the beats of the scenes and character arcs are working. Many screenwriters do crappy versions of their own dialogue knowing

Maybe it wasn’t time for that yet. If it’s an early early rough of the draft just to get the beats of the story down, it’s assumed that eventually the Spanish will be fixed by people in the know.

Do you only eat whole unprocessed foods? Do you only eat things that are the pure essence of what they are? The idea that food should not “masquerade” is a standard that is only held to vegetarian dishes. Omnivores will grind up any sort of bug or hoof or whatever to make chemical molecular gastronomy powders in order

As a teacher (not of music but of other arts) one thing I try to do when a kid wants to quit is to at least have the conversation of 1) what is the thing that drew you to the activity (or instrument in this case) in the first place, that made it fun to learn, etc and then 2) why is that joy no longer there, and is

My wife’s family had like 4 different aunts and uncles who smoked relentlessly. We couldn’t do anything anywhere because they needed to smoke all the time. We couldn’t play a card game at home because every 20 minutes they’d take a smoke break.

Who said that games have to imitate real life? Real life is chaotic, meandering, and doesn’t have themes or meaning. Stories, video games, and other art forms are structured and have purpose. Whether that’s narrative or not is beside the point. You still need structure.

While this is generally true, there are some sneaky good cheaper whiskys that will do in a pinch (I personally like Benchmark No 8). I like to have a cheap bottle and a nice bottle on hand.

10.2 Jaguar is the glaring omission, it’s the first version to be less of a beta and more of a real OS with apps and maturity. Before Jaguar I used to run in os 9 all the time, but with Jaguar I ditched OS 9 for good.

Having read the book I can say I was bored by the film.

So are we gonna have a blistering article about what horrific frauds they are? Because the team you relentlessly called out as frauds, while not a great team, is moving forward.

You don’t think Iceland has a chance? Are Croatia and Nigeria that powerful?

6) Just suck it up and call the parent because it’s your kid and your anxiety about calling someone doesn’t matter - As a teacher who has some anxieties, I often hem and haw about my social interactions with people. But when my kids need me, I just swallow it up and do the thing because my anxiety will not and should

He couldn’t, as the Republican congress refused to pass any laws he wanted, even if they liked them.

Also, this bill is part of a massive rollback of the Dodd/Frank financial regulations that will most likely bring back the 2008 financial crisis, as it undoes many of the protections that bill created. So even if this

I saw this headline and immediately knew it was about that horrific Richard Cohen Op-Ed.

My mom’s 92 Red Ford Escort brings back all the memories. I took my test on stick shift and I LIKED IT.

I will say I have on occasion had good cooked avocado - some taquerias around here serve beer battered avocado tacos and they’re flash fried so the avocado is mostly raw on the inside. That’s pretty good.