Did you see the picture? It looks like the battery is replaceable. Am I wrong about this?
Did you see the picture? It looks like the battery is replaceable. Am I wrong about this?
Webers are great, but I prefer a horizontal barrel smoker, like this CharGriller:
Just to be clear (because I wasn't in my original post) I was criticizing Quinto's Spock, as opposed to Nimoy's Spock, who played it just right. The line for me that defines Spock (and Vulcans in general) is from Star Trek II, when he tells Kirk not to hide his desire to captain the ship from him, because "I have no…
I teach middle school filmmaking for a non profit. We have no money for anything. We wanted to make a movie that required about a grand in terms of buying special supplies, etc. We went to Kickstarter. Made 1400 bucks in 3 days. I can absolutely without a doubt say that without Kickstarter as a tool, we wouldn't have…
For me the most redeeming thing about Voyager is Tuvok. Both Tim Russ's performance and the writing of his character. No Trek character has gone more underappreciated. Tim Russ nailed the cool detachment, the wry bemusement, the utter strength of someone in complete control of his emotions, even when his heart was…
Well on Android you can go to the website and just flash play it for free. Even so. Mobile tax?
I want a great b/w laser printer that also scans/makes copies. Suggestions?
I dig, but it's sad that it costs 4 bucks. On every other platform it's a free stream from the NCAA website, and the only reason it's no go on iOS is because iOS decided not to support flash. Which is an understandable decision, but it's sad that there's an "iOS tax" for watching the games.
Who the hell had never had a taco before? And THIS is what they started with? My God. Get them some al pastor STAT.
Perhaps after 4 pomodoros you should work in a 20 minute break, stand up, take a walk, etc.
Or you can just organize your life around something else besides having the TV available at all times.
The reason companies conduct exit interviews is that they want to know how they can do their job better, and they want it from people who don't fear reprisal. As long as you frame it in such a way that your interest is in improving the way they run, NOT in settling old scores/complaining/tattling, etc. you're golden.…
You know, if I was Starz I wouldn't redo the deal either. At the time they signed it Netflix Instant was teeny tiny, there were barely any titles, and nobody really used it. Also you had to have DVD's attached to your Netflix streaming, so the price of your streaming was higher. The Netflix thing was just a sideshow,…
My wife is actually really pissed off about the end of the Starz deal because all the workout videos on Netflix that she uses regularly are part of the Starz package. We're scrambling to find replacements.
Yep. The goal was to kick the black balloon with his foot to show how close he was to the ledge.
What's amazing is that he was right like 80% of the time.
I dig what you're saying, but one word in there is actually very common, just not in your neck of the woods - "Teff."
I agree with just about everything this article says. My ideal Zelda starts you off in the middle of a massive GTA sandbox-like Hyrule with no equipment, no direction, and a bunch of monsters closing in on you.
My friend Matt who is a sysadmin instituted this rule amongst his family and friends asking for tech support - he refused to give anyone any tech/virus/my computer is really slow support if they were running Internet Explorer (this was like 5 years ago). He needed them to demonstrate at least a basic attention to…
That's one of the things I loved about the original b&w iPod, the way it used the old System font but still had all sorts of futurist cool. When they went to the iPod Photo/Color and updated the look I was a bit sad. I understood why though.