
But nonetheless, the teenagers we parents are supposedly protecting ought to be a valued part of the conversation. This shouldn't be a one-way street where a parent's authority is unquestioned. Teenagers are, like it or not, actionable individuals, capable of being tried in courts (often as adults), capable of driving

I appreciate needing to keep a kid safe, but I don't see my job as a parent that way (or as a teacher, which is my day job). My job as a parent is to guide a kid towards useful adulthood, to facilitate their actualization as an individual, not to keep them safe no matter what.

I couldn't disagree more with this approach. Parents who do that teach their children not to value their privacy, to accept it later on when someone else wants a password or to look at their stuff. If the goal is to shepherd these kids into becoming valuable and contributing adults, a good way to start is to treat

This may seem picky, but danah boyd's name is supposed to go uncapitalized. And it matters. A big part of what she advocates in her various writings and talks is the right of people to self-identify, especially children. should correct that.

Totally. Even with the issues Andrew Carlson mentioned above this is still like half of what this sort of thing would cost elsewhere.

That's what I was gonna say. There's nothing illegal about making a custom Android ROM, the Android Market just chooses not to host 'em.

THANK YOU. If big media companies want to press charges, gather evidence, and take companies and people to trial, I'm all for it. That's the way the justice system ought to work. I have zero sympathy if the actual work of following the law proves to be more work than they want to do or bad PR or whatever.

The price point is also crazy higher. You pay more for less prosciutto, especially if you go for the higher end. Ranging from 19.99 a pound to 99.99 a pound for the even crazier awesome jamon iberico. It's WAY more expensive than bacon.

The Occupy movement was extremely effective, it was merely effective at doing different things, like changing the national dialogue from deficits and spending to income inequality and jobs.

Fair point. I would argue I guess that the solution is to be upset about both items, and not "save your rage" for one or the other. If SOPA is a gateway to people opposing NDAA, then awesome. Awareness rocks.

Just the other day I was cleaning out all my old CD's and I decided for some reason to keep all my Space Quest CD's. Now I know why. I wish I hadn't thrown out Grim Fandango though.

"Film making" isn't risky. "Hollywood big budget filmmaking" is risky. Anyone can make a film and post it to Youtube. And that's what Murdoch and his friends in the MPAA want to put a stop to.

I hope they do the buy one give one thing again. I'd contribute to that. This thing is cool.

The ending wasn't as engaging to me as the moment you make the portal on the moon. Just the idea of shooting it towards what would otherwise be background, and the timing of the "ding" as it hits on the moon, and then the outcome of it and being pulled into space and all that is so ridiculously creative and a perfect

Yeah Lanayru Mining Facility was just jaw-droppingly cool. The best Zelda dungeon in DECADES, or probably ever. Like the original poster said, the moment you turn on the lights for the first time and it all starts running and you're like "HOLY SHIT CONVEYOR BELT!"...fantastic. The only part I didn't like was the

That doesn't matter much when you're dealing with portable speaker systems like iPod docks. Stereo imaging is not the number one priority.

Because it's the decent thing to do when you know your behavior is inappropriate. I understand why they choose not to, but that doesn't change the fact that they should.

"Money makes the decisions in all industries."

I'm not sure either, but it is. It really is. Almost everywhere. Maybe the two go hand in hand.

I would also add that this idea that "feminists" (tip - it's not some radical card carrying feminist agenda, it's women. And many men. Sane people.) need to sugarcoat their plea to not be treated like objectified pieces of shit simply because they are women in order to incentivize asshole men is once more an example