wrong reply!
wrong reply!
I can totally get behind that kind of fitness because trampolines are FUCKING AWESOME.
Tried to edit, but can't, so I'll say it here instead. I was kidding and I think this fork is silly. I don't really eat like a toddler Neanderthal. I'd say I eat at an average pace.
It's stupid how much of a sucker I am for a cute cat video. That was adorable.
I have no concept of how to eat properly, and I shovel my food in my face with the finesse of a toddler Neanderthal. This fork is the answer to my prayers.
All Beyonceday and all Beyoncenight?
Thank you for this. I'm very much at sea when it comes to gender identity and gender politics because I'm a straight white woman and have no concept of being anything but an ally so I'm always eager to learn and understand as much as I can about what it's like for people who are not me, so that I can move forward as a…
Great! I've been interested in trying mind-mapping, but couldn't find an app I liked until this one. Thanks for this!
It can text you when the temperature gets to proper levels. It's weird.
We keep getting these from my food-snob German Father-in-law. This year from him we got an electric, wifi-enabled, wireless meat thermometer. I...don't know what to do with myself over that one.
That's so cute!
All of the people I work with gave me bottles of good wine, and one gave me a fantastic bottle of champagne. Either they know me a lot better than I thought, or I seem like the kind of person who really needs a goddamn drink. Maybe they're they same thing...
Alan Rickman saying sexy nasty things to me? I don't have enough brain cells that can handle that.
Yeah, I was going to say just that, but you beat me to it. Can we try to ignore him and redirect our wasted adoration on Cumberbatch instead? Is that too much?
I love gifs, too! Never stop!
I love gifs, too! Never stop!
I love gifs, too! Never stop!
I love gifs, too! Never stop!
I echo what vanillabean48 said, and will go a step further to say that you should probably read up on rape culture in general. Men leering isn't about showing appreciation for a woman, it's about power and reminding us that we are on display for their pleasure, and that there's nothing we can do to stop them.