
Edit: because I sank to their level. Sorry.

I didn't travel to Europe until after I got married and only because my husband is from Southern Germany and we went to see his family. His family is a huge box of awesome, and it was so fun to be with them, but Europe itself isn't as mystical as some might think. It's really cool, but, people are essentially the same

I'm 27 today, and I have to admit, my *first* thought about being 27 was, "Oh god, what am I going to look like when I'm 35? 45?? 60???"

Let's let a drag queen settle this.

She has so much more soul in her lovely smile than Bristol, so I must disagree.

I worry it would go the way of 'Moonlighting'.

Hell. Yes. Get it. I don't care what anyone says, I love that show. I love it so hard. It makes me laugh, and it's silly and weird and fun. I couldn't care less about whether or not it's groundbreaking. It's a fucking television show on Fox. Enjoy it for what it is, people!

Dany needs at least one dragon on her shoulder at all times. Yes- even when they're not small anymore. WHAT KIND OF A TARGARYEN ARE YOU IF YOU CAN'T WEAR A FULL-GROWN DRAGON. GOD.

I think HE'S creepy. *shudder* It's the eyes.


OT, but in that top photo, dude looks like Al Bundy.


I wonder what it says about me that I've stopped getting rage face when I see articles about homophobic pearl-clutching. My reaction has become more along the lines of a big eye-roll and voiced "guhhhhhhhhhh" whilst pinching the bridge of my nose.

Now playing

This is the best way for me to describe my reaction to that man.

LALALALALA I can't hear you because what you're saying is correct LALALALALA!

Hell yeah.

My cat ignores me until I sit down at my computer. Then I suddenly exist and her catbutt is all up in my face. GODDAMN IT CAT, I AM TRYING TO PLAY KINGDOM RUSH.

Rock that shit, lady.

I'm serious when I ask this, how did that paraphrasing go over?