Dany needs at least one dragon on her shoulder at all times. Yes- even when they're not small anymore. WHAT KIND OF A TARGARYEN ARE YOU IF YOU CAN'T WEAR A FULL-GROWN DRAGON. GOD.
Dany needs at least one dragon on her shoulder at all times. Yes- even when they're not small anymore. WHAT KIND OF A TARGARYEN ARE YOU IF YOU CAN'T WEAR A FULL-GROWN DRAGON. GOD.
I think HE'S creepy. *shudder* It's the eyes.
OT, but in that top photo, dude looks like Al Bundy.
I wonder what it says about me that I've stopped getting rage face when I see articles about homophobic pearl-clutching. My reaction has become more along the lines of a big eye-roll and voiced "guhhhhhhhhhh" whilst pinching the bridge of my nose.
This is the best way for me to describe my reaction to that man.
LALALALALA I can't hear you because what you're saying is correct LALALALALA!
My cat ignores me until I sit down at my computer. Then I suddenly exist and her catbutt is all up in my face. GODDAMN IT CAT, I AM TRYING TO PLAY KINGDOM RUSH.
BA-KOW! #hesexyandiknowit
Rock that shit, lady.
I'm serious when I ask this, how did that paraphrasing go over?
I see what you did there.
I'm re-writing Les Miserables in my head for that name.
I actually *really* enjoy doing things by myself. There's a local place I go to for lunch that's an adorable little tea room, so I order myself a pot of tea, some fancy tea sammiches and a mini-tart and just *enjoy*.
I think "Jean Valgina" is my new favorite name.
What if she's a low-income single lesbian? Or hell, just a lesbian, be she rich, poor, or somewhere in between?
HELL YES CLUE. If I ever get unnecessarily famous, I will Clue the shit out of everywhere.
I've wanted to hug that man for the longest time. Come visit Michigan and pass out the hugs, Sir! I'll vote for you a second time around without the hug, but still! Hugs!