
I feel you. I've been reading for awhile, and would love to have those moments of "HA! I SHALL POST THIS FOR IT IS FUNNY" *smokes pipe* but then I see the awesomesauce that permeates these pages and I think again.

@AvaYaLater: My husband says Lindau is gorgeous :D We're going from Munich then making our way to Regensburg, then Stade/Hamburg :D

I'm going with my husband and two (wonderful) stepsons, to meet the rest of my husband's family. He be foreign :D Not looking forward to dealing with the TSA crap, or the flight (I get wicked sick), but I'm looking forward to travelling the ENTIRE country for two weeks :D

"Hey well they do deserve it"? THAT was his response? Was he always like this, or is this new? Not knowing you, I shouldn't judge one response of your husband's, but COME ON FOR SRS.

I'm leaving for Europe (Germany, specifically) for the first time in my life on Monday, and I'm 26. I'm a little ashamed that it took me so long to make it there, but it's better late than never, right? :D

All I want to do is nuzzle its fur and say "Is somebody sleepy? Is *somebody* sleepy?? Is it you? I bet it's you! *squee!*"

Share that beat of looooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... ...for italian desserts

This state is sick amounts of red, with occasional bleeds of blue and it makes me want to vomit. I moved here from NY when I got married, and if it weren't for my husband, I'd pack my shit and go back to NY. The theatre there is better, too. /fuckers/

I don't like this shilly-shallying, but I will say that I hope this is a tactic he only uses to get reelected and then, after he wins, goes "BAM! SIGNED INTO LAW BITCHES!" in his second, tough-shit-I-won-again-now-here's-some-cool-shit-like-legal-gay-marriage, term.


Tip #3: No matter how closely you keep tabs on your shit, it WILL turn into white rubbery melty sludge if you happen to point something sonic at it because clearly you suck at paying attention and your shit done got swapped faster than a housewife. Science.

@deeemer Yfunk's not saying "suffer in silence", she's saying don't ignore your children on an airplane.

So wrong...but so funny

This shit makes me feel like I need to start polishing a wire hangar. *cringe*

So wait...who's her legal guardian now?

I was just being silly. You know, in the Sarah Palin way. :D


Times like these the Sassy Gay Friend pops into my head and I find myself muttering "What are you doing. What. What. What are you DOING."

I don't get the Pippa Middleton I missing that chromosome?

I like to watch the RH whilst clutching my credit card bills and sobbing quietly.