
You and I are thinking about two vastly different operating systems then because the early versions of Android were, to me, much closer to Palm OS than to that of the iPhone. Icons on a screen that you tap to activate apps is does not an iPhone make. You could make an argument that certain overlays made it look more

Android conforming to the iPhone has less to do with the iPhone itself and more to do with the arrival of capacitive touchscreens. Resistive screens are not good enough to carry the entire experience, you need physical keys with it in order to make a complete experience. A capacitive screen changes that but you can

AOKP's ICS version had a long-press option to bring up a small bar you could put widgets into and even swipe left or right to see more. I don't know if it's made it's way into the Jelly Bean version of the ROM yet but it might be something to look into.

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it on it's face. Colds, for example. are an over reaction to the rhinovirus. Your nose starting to run and temperature rising has nothing to do with what the virus is doing to you, that's all your immune system reacting to get rid of it which is a desired response you want most of the

I was admitting the limits of my own experience which is something you should consider yourself while making a point. My point really wasn't that people don't use land lines though, it's that what this particular product does for a land line is mostly either an unnecessary luxury or a very specific product for a small

On the contrary I do think it's a niche market, you just happen to be the niche. I have not had a land line for quite some time and that seems to be a trait many of my similarly aged friends share. Land lines are becoming more and more redundant as services like Skype become more utilized and supported on different

I think you'd need a bigger name pushing something like this but I think there is a potential market for cheap, game focused Android devices. There's plenty of content there for a launch that utilizes just the touchscreen and a large enough name driving development could set a standard for controls that could drive

See the whole 'unless you have a less than ordinary situation' comment. I can understand a very small niche where that makes sense but for most people they are a terrible use of money.

Unless you are in a less than ordinary situation where, for some reason, you can't set up a desktop, gaming laptops are a terrible investment. The price alone should be enough to discourage but then you are shoving tons of parts that generate tons of heat into a very small place. Even if you can match or exceed the

I would argue that what killed Circuit City was them getting rid of commission coupled with the declining sales of physical media. Without CD's selling in the same volume and employees giving little to no shit about the customers they lost out to Best Buy because they didn't have the same kind of supply chain Best Buy

I'm fairly meticulous about making sure my texts are properly spelled and punctuated. I can't stand all the 'u's and 'y's. Unless you are getting really crunched for a few extra characters I just find it needlessly lazy and in all honesty it makes me think less of the person on the other side.

It still fills a niche. The touchscreen devices have pretty bad storage space compared to old faithful. Plus, with the Nano going touchscreen there's still a good amount of people that would prefer an iPod with the tactile feedback that the click wheel provides. Granted, phones are very quickly making MP3 players

HTC Incredible comes to mind with it's optical joystick and similar rounded corners. Motorola's legacy from the Droid carries over a bit in differentiating their phone design but the Motorola Xoom could have a case brought against it with a broad enough ruling that grants Apple anything vaguely iPad shaped.

Touchwiz as it began was incredibly derivative and definitely deserves scorn but I fail to see how Apple has a justified argument against hardware design. The function severely limits form and Apple's design philosophy of minimalism essentially means that anything that's not over-designed to no end is going to bear

That stutter likely has less to do with RAM and more to do with the on chip GPU and any drivers associated. I had my HTC Incredible which only has 512 MB RAM running ICS and it was a stuttering mess until someone found a better driver for the GPU for hardware acceleration at which point it ran just about the same as

I'm not saying fast food, I am saying factory farmed food in general. In that IS a luxury to avoid it because of price, to go for the alternative usually costs twice as much and as the conventional. So it's either be wary of every single thing I put in my body but have no money or be budget conscious and perpetuate

I'm pretty sure we are all aware of this and frankly some of us just don't care enough to avoid it or simply don't have the luxury. Yes, factory farming is pretty disgusting but by the same token animals in general are pretty god damn disgusting. Even more consciously humane chicken farms have the same issue with

I disagree a bit but overall I support what you are saying. I don't believe that the Nexus is the only phone worth buying though I certainly wouldn't chase anyone off of it. There are plenty of non-Nexus phones that have fantastic developer support, my now retired Droid Incredible is proof enough of that. Because of

I'm in no way opposed to the ethical treatment of animals but I deplore the tactics and hyperbole employed by PETA and groups like them. I was on my college campus 3 or 4 years back and one of the flyer pushers was getting really aggressive with standing in people's way and making sure you noticed them. She stood in

I wouldn't hold your breath. It uses OpenGL to render which was added in ICS. Even when I was on my Droid Incredible running an ICS ROM it took a while for someone to get it working correctly. It definitely seems like Google making a clean break with the 2.X line to free up time and code.