
To aim for these to be a stand-alone is foolish and I don't see them continuing in that fashion as they get closer to being a tangible product. It's a lot to expect from the public to adopt something that changes their appearance so fundamentally, plus the amount of tech needed to shove into these glasses to run as

I can understand the thought process behind every one of those decisions and even give you anecdotal evidence of them actually working with the target demographic. Canonical has always stated that they want to be the Linux your grandmother can use and in a lot of ways I think they have gotten fairly close to that

Why aren't they working with the hypothesis that it's because baldness does not have ill-consequences until after the male has likely mated. You can't weed it out through natural selection if it does nothing to inhibit the chances of reproduction. Perhaps it could be argued that bald men should be fathering less

And Apple got a ton of bad press for it. It's possible that it is a true component that leaked out and with the past known and a new leader at the helm the reaction is a lot more sane.

The problem is that case fans tend to be a lot louder than CPU fans so in terms of noise you aren't really gaining much. What this would be good for is to free up a tiny amount of power and take out one point of failure so there's less that can go wrong.

The experience with Android really comes down to the phone you bought. Many of the popular development phones also have one-button rooting that is identical to the iPhone's so I can't say it's much of a point positive for one or the other. While I can't exactly say it's your fault for buying a Thunderbolt at release I

Part of the reason the Gnex isn't a huge fatty is because it has such a big screen. You give tons of room in the phone to spread things around so they don't have the be big chunkers such as the Stratosphere. Now don't get me wrong, I love the size of the Gnex but it's not other people's cup of tea. Thinner LTE chips

The way the cord falls is a pretty weak argument, that has not once ever been an issue for me with any of my phones. The second point is just odd to me. I have not once placed my phone in my pocket that way, I've always placed in bottom down regardless of what phone it was. There's nothing conscious about it at all,

What's the good reason? I love my Nexus in almost every regard but I despise the placement of the headphone jack. Whether I use it with headphones or audio input in my car it just manages to get in the way and make everything way more awkward than it need to be.

Do not take the conclusion of a study and instantly use your own personal experience to try to show it's bullshit. Studies such as this are dealing with generalities and generalities do not explain the patterns of individuals but rather groups. There's always outliers and you can always come up with tons of 'counter

Because it's impossible to attach magnets to it, right?

Usually for small subdermals like that you force through a bottom stud that has some width to it and then you screw in the top portion too it so that the visible end is slightly larger than the hole. They stay in place because the elasticity of the skin allows you to get in a bottom piece that's larger than the hole

Given that porn consumption is done mostly via non-downloaded aggregators rather than direct downloaded files this does point to a pretty large loophole in the legislation and I assume it will be addressed. While you're correct that this ruling is a positive in that it doesn't assume intent via viewing singular images

Well that's exactly what this ruling clarifies. It's a civil matter, not a criminal one. By agreeing to the terms you are agreeing to use the product on certain terms and if you violate them you are giving the license holder the right to suspend use of the product. What this ruling says is that that doesn't extend

I think the point being made is that potential priests that the church would find more 'tasteful' are scared off by the celibacy requirement. Meanwhile, the people who are more willing to go through it are people who (Because of their arcane beliefs) are ashamed of their sexuality and seek to 'right' it by devoting

I'm sorry but no one cares about the 'true' definitions of what is or isn't Dubstep. Whether you think it's fair or not what has become known as Dubstep is this Skrillex inspired style. If you want to make the argument to not judge the whole genre by the current trends I'll hear you out but it's still Dubstep, it's

In my view if you aren't waking up any time soon it's not worth waiting around to find out. After all, if you die it's not like you're going to know whether you had a chance or not because you're dead so what does it matter? Even if I wasn't donating my organs I'd say that same thing, if I'm in that state just pull

And when it comes to someone like you or I those might all be deal breakers but we are outliers and you need to recognize that. I like Android phones because I completely toss away what the maker gives me for software and configure it to my own needs. For example, I'm getting to end of life with my HTC Incredible

In other news water is wet. Sky is blue. More at 11.

It's a matter of audience and participation. Who reads and works and contributes? Younger people who, for the most part, disagree with the social positions people like Santorum have. I think it's a big stretch to go further and turn this into a 'Democrat v Republican' issue. If Democrats hugged the Religious Right as