
Growing up I was a huge K'Nex nerd. I managed to design and create a 5 foot Ferris Wheel when I was 10 years old and refused to let my parents demolish it and reclaim their space for quite some time. That said, while they don't hurt as much to step on they will kill your fingertips from the repetitive snapping you

The point is believe whatever you want but don't act like someone 'shouldn't' criticize others beliefs. You do not have the right to not be offended.

Catholicism is not followed by 'billions', more like just over a billion. And how can you say he would never post an article 'making fun' of those faiths, are you sure? From the perspective of someone who thinks all those faiths are equally as wrong (Insofar as every faith is equally wrong) they all deserve the same

They should just leave it alone entirely. Games for Windows Live is a god damn nightmare, if Apple is going to start encouraging developers to implement their version of it on their Mac versions there is nothing positive that can come out of it especially if they double dip like Steam and Windows Live does currently.

I have an older 24 inch LCD I have set up next to my two monitors in a makeshift three monitor kind of setup. The only time it really gets used for typical TV stuff is during the football season, other than that I hook it up to my old tower with Boxee on it and use Synergy. At the moment I kind of just use it as a

You can do it in post production by layering different elements so they appear at different depths. However, unlike something like Avatar where the entire film was shot with two cameras you don't get the same sense of depth because with the two cameras the simultaneous images do that layering work for you for the

Oh absolutely but in a few years LTE will also be aging. If they hit the market in 2014 rather than 2011 they'd likely have lower overhead and better coverage of both data and Wi-Fi (though who the hell knows if the demand will be there then), as it stands they are just a good idea hamstrung by bad infrastructure.

It's definitely one of those ideas that is ahead of the infrastructure needed to run it. Wi-fi is in a lot of places but the speed on the connections in most public places is nothing to write home about. Likewise the need for separate chips and signals for data, text and voice add a layer of complication that would

Don't conflate the specs with the hardware. Yes, Apple is usually not pushing the bleeding edge with their processor speed or choice of video-card chips. However, in order to get the form factors they aim for they have to engineer boards and cases that are extremely precise. The circuitry of a MacBook Pro's

But it's not necessarily the best. What Samsung is using could be just as good or better, all we know is one particular brand is not making it. That said it could be considerably worse but to say 'Oh it's not Gorilla glass ergo it's not as good' is sensationalist and ignorant. Fortified glass of any type is better

Lack of proper 4G should have taken this down from 'best phone you can buy' to 'damn good phone but obsolete on arrival.' You know damn well if this was an Android phone that was built for 3G you would put that exact caveat so show a little bit of objectivity.

Bootloader is locked according to Droid Life. Probably will get the Cyanogenmod treatment like the other Moto phones thanks to the kernel exploit but no custom kernel means poor optimization compared to phones that can get a full system + kernel swap.

The difference comes from the bezel which I agree extends too far out for my taste compared to the very small bezel on the GSII. The only point I am making is that in handing the screen specifically, not the hardware as a whole, it's going to feel like a 4.3 inch screen for all intents and purposes.

There's not going to be nearly any difference between this and a 4.3 inch screen, the screen measurement includes the buttons which are now completely on screen. The resolution is going to be 16:9 instead of the typical ~16:10 which changes the angle of the measurement.

Google's implementation isn't bad either but as good as the voice recognition is I don't use it because you look like a moron talking to your phone in any kind of public space. The only people who are going to use this are the people who obnoxiously talk on their phones at inappropriate volumes in public. Those of us

Why is it stupid to want it for the novelty? If I got my hands on this I would show it off to a select few friends and make damn well sure what happened to this guy didn't happen to me. If he really wanted the money for it now why would you post it in public? I'm sure there's plenty of people who would be incredibly

I can see this as a good thing IF they allow HD through the Xbox. I can't afford another HD box rental even though I have more than 1 HDTV's. If I can use my Xbox on my second TV as a cable box replacement without having the pay the monthly fee for another HD box I'll gladly use this, otherwise it just seems pretty

The app switcher has been around for a while, it's pretty much just ripped straight out of the Honeycomb SDK. [] There was a purported leak not too long ago that may or may not be fake itself that showed that launcher so while there's a chance that launcher he used is something like what will

My biggest issue is it's too much unnecessary wasted space and it's a different set of options for every program that utilizes it. The 'File, Edit, View' menus, while an extra click, save space and are generally unified across third party programs that do not follow the ribbon convention. You are just adding a layer

Lion has all the first steps towards touch-panels, the biggest issue is that it feels half baked when you are confined to a touchpad. I would not be surprised to see a Mac-iPad convergence of some type the only real question is how could they pull it off in a way that isn't awkward as hell to handle. Something like