
It's not that piece. If you look at the front tire you can see the holes in the edges that you would be able to poke something thin through like a sword that could be used as an attach point. Might not be the most secure connection ever but it's not as if he's using glue or breaking pieces to make it happen.

Because the stock market has little to nothing to do with it's original purpose. Now it's nothing more than a complicated casino where high rollers get to rewrite the rules as they see fit. High frequency trading was given a pass when it first appeared and has ingrained itself so fully into the system that to

Again, I invite you to put your money where you mouth is if that's your opinion. Maybe I'm assuming too much but I'm going to go out on a limb and say you have never done as such and have no intention of ever doing so. Farm work sucks, plain and simple and the idea that people are going to willingly take that over

Easy my ass, you go buy a farm and then see how well that goes. It's a ton of work for barely any profit even before considering the impact of subsidy that even further kicks smaller operation in the face. You're putting a ton of risk into your field for low margins and god forbid you want to attempt to bolster that

I must admit I was hasty in the accusation of a direct copy and paste, it's was laziness on my own part not to read more clearly when it felt fishy, instead I skimmed my way to the comments. For that I apologize, my bad.

A good portion of this article is a complete cut and paste from a forum post I consulted when shopping for a mechanical keyboard about a year ago. Some credit to the source that you lazily based an entire blog post on would be nice.....

The way House of Cards handles it is pretty slick in my opinion. No need to have contrived camera angles, no reason to force the character the read aloud. That plus actual operating systems makes it work pretty seamlessly whereas other media works have been much more contrived.

Watching my father play Wolfenstein 3D and Lemmings on his Gateway Windows 3.5 computer. I also remember the dot-matrix printer spitting out the continuous sheet of paper that I would always be allowed to rip when it was done.

It seems you were trying to make a point but what it is I have no real clue. Cripple the advancement? What the hell does that even mean? Even if it was a situation where the same image could give you either traditional Android or ChromeOS UI's dependent upon form factor you could very easily build a modular system

You'd have a point if consumer behavior showed a rejection of bigger phones but it clearly hasn't. Apple had to react to Samsung in that regard so to say that there's no value in what they do is talking out your ass to a pretty extreme degree. Sales are not the end all, be all of defining what is 'good' but it's

Anywhere from 110 to 120 WPM. Like a lot of people are saying I essentially self taught. There's no identifiable technique whatsoever to my typing, my hands float all over and I primarily used my index and middle for the majority of keys. It drove me nuts when I was in high school around 2004 or so and they forced us

I fail to see your point. It's kind of how it already is but not really. A bittorrent streaming setup would utilize the upload of viewers to supplement what you laid out which theoretically should help to supplement that lengthy chain in a way that would add no cost to the streamer. That is the different part of this,

The theory though is that you are getting a service for you donation. Because you are getting something of market value in return for your money there's really not any charity being done on your part but on the part of the website that is redirecting your money rather than making full profit. To deduct on top of that

So your argument is that if you dress in a way that doesn't reflect your ethnic background you're being racist? Do you not see the irony in your attempt to force everyone into boxes or does it need to be spelled out for you? This site's audience is insufferable, I swear.

Of course I'm not saying to just let bygones be bygones and act as if nothing can ever happen ever. But I really question how bat shit crazy the leadership of North Korea is and how much of it is just the way we paint them for the sake of delegitimizing them as you so easily do. A lot of what we see come out of

Conversely, never underestimate self-preservation instincts. If you don't think that Kim Jong Un and co. understand how total their destruction would be if they provoked such an asymmetrical opponent. While the average citizen might likely be utterly delusional in their thoughts about their countries power even then I

I'm also convinced that his conclusions are confusing the direction of the relationship. Once you are where you want to be and have proven your talent and mastery you are given much more freedom and autonomy. Once you're at such a level where your value is established and known to be of such a level that you are

I don't think it's an 'if' either but I'm of the belief that the ideal 'when' is fast approaching and yet there's silence on that front with rumors of a pointless watch floating around instead. Lots of companies are attempting to make touchscreen-wielding Windows 8 'Ultrabooks' and most of they are pretty garbage.

You're just further justifying my point that it's a niche product. You also have to account for the fact that you're asking people to make a fashion statement with their device which can be a tough sell when, as we both agree, functionality probably won't be that mind-blowing. If all it's going to do is give me a

While I might have implied it I'm not saying it's a direct casual link. It could very well be that Jobs dreamed up the iWatch and drove it forward but that doesn't mean it's a good idea.