
“We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond

Oh, many reasons. I’m old. I have a family. I have no idea where he is. I don’t want to go to jail. I don’t want to seriously hurt him. Mostly because I don’t kick anyone’s ass. But I’d like to.

Crickets on queen Hillary saying all black people look alike though! The hypocrisy on full display. Also the body shaming humongous ass comment, I am sure if a guy said you had a huge ass you would cry about it for days while hunkered over a bowl of ice cream! 

What do you get when your roster depletes?

You gotta out the ball over the white part of the plate

I don’t watch MMA, don’t follow it at all other than skimming the occasional post here on Deadspin, and had never heard of this guy five minutes ago, but after watching that post-fight interview he’s now my favorite athlete.

Bruce Vilanch?

This is quite an impressive demonstration by both Khabib and his dad on how to actually take responsibility for your actions.

You’d think they’d have picked up on it after almost this exact thing happened to Bill Clinton.

“Democrats found Ford’s testimony powerful and believable, while Republicans were impressed by Kavanaugh’s impassioned denials.”

False, these people vote based on their political affiliation, if the roles were reversed and a Democratic nominee were the ones facing sexual assault allegations the votes would swing the

It’s pretty dumb, but then that’s how you show people you are outside the mainstream. And I guess there are some similarities:

Can we talk about how fucking awful that cover is? I mean:

Spot on. The victimization requires the need to be seen as correct.

Nothing screams “keep politics out of sports” like whining to the president about your sports book.

Okay I agree that he looks kinda whiny and dumb here. But seriously you guys that work for these sites seem way too fucking obsessed with Travis doing poorly. It’s like you all get boners when he does anything that you think can make him look bad. What’s the beef or chicken guys? Why you let him under your skin so

apparently old Brett was Ted Bundy up until high school and then just stopped.

Please stop cross-posting to Deadspin. IDGAF about this.

Maybe next time bring something stronger than last-minute uncorroborated, unprovable claims from fucking high school?

>which significantly relates to the question of whether he assaulted Ford

Drinking alcohol, even to excess, does not force you to rape a woman. Normally rapists rape under any level of inebriation, and traditionally they dont grow out of it and have a happy family life and a respected profession, they tend to keep