
especially Richard “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal.........

Senator Blumenthal on Line 2.........

and they are going to lose Senate seats in Missouri and North Dakota and West Virginia unless one or all of the Ds in those states votes for him.

Why would any white supremacist need to even march? Let them kill each other with stolen guns and abortion. When you enemy is destroying himself just sit back and watch.

missed your passionate screed when some Bernie bro shot up a softball game and almost murdered a GOP representative guess your gutless liberalism wouldn’t let you take up banner Which is why you’re a low-paid serf in s failing website  

Yeah he was SOOOOO popular that Hillary rode his dick all over the state and Trump still won. LeBron has zero political appeal to the voters of Ohio, only when he dribbled a ball. 

Guess all that dick-riding Hillary did on LeBron didn’t do fuck-all for her winning Ohio. But you little bitches won’t mention that because your Mexican overlords will cut your salary. Shit cuts both ways. He needs to sack the fuck up too 

Don’t let Carlos Slim know you’re talking shit about his paper. He owns about 17% of the Class A shares. He might buy your little website with his pocket change and then you are all out on your ass trying to get a job at Bleacher Report.......

I was wondering where I saw those hands before......

It’s funny that any athlete that a liberal dick-rides all over the state to get in on their shine (LeBron-Hillary) is fine with this site. No wonder people relate your site with a national punchline. The only good thing is you’ll still get to draw your pesos from your Mexican overlords for at least the next 6 years

That’s pretty funny since your President Down Low couldn’t order from a fucking drive-thru without a prompter in front of him. Otherwise it was an hour of “uhhhs” and “errrrs” On the upside good job getting wi-fi in your glory hole.

Like gutless limp-dicked masked cowardly faggots running around on each coast pretending they are some sort of hard group shutting down free speech. Yeah every time those people make the scene Trump gets stronger and the millions who voted for him know they made the right choice. Notice those Dickless bullies hide

Got my Cubs for 9 months at least.

How fast Trump gonna get them to the White House?

My co-workers and me LOVE reading the Concourse every day to see what the latest Liberal outrage and tantrum is and have a good laugh over coffee. Its refreshing to see the absolute unhinging of an entire party over one man. So they can keep coming here and other places to whine, bitch and just show the rest of the

I’m going with “Imperial Death March” from John Williams. Al Frankens’ head might explode like Scanners......,

Much like the same tell when Hillary scratched her nose. Which is a known tell when someone is lying. Which she does. Quite often in fact

At least Bernie sold out his principles, manhood, and dignity for a nice lake house up North. He got tangible goods for his integrity. That’s a good get

Funny that your faded haggard bitch is leading in PA. Guess more of your fellow prolapsed kin approve of her and her rapist husband.

Now playing

They seem to do this well....if you need to cry again.....