A true power bottom..................
A true power bottom..................
Good think he wasn't a huge Jim Otto fan...........
Brietbart is on it now so you guys are big-time.........http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism…
The only good thing is when you buy Sixers tix on StubHub this year, the ticket owner will come over and cut your lawn if you take them off his hands
Buford T. Pancake
Probably over cable vs dish because of the new NBA contract and how much it will cost them..........
My cholesterol just jumped 50 points just READING that article. Now I know why the IHOP near me is gone, it didn't close, it just collapsed into a black hole under the burden marrying bacon, cheese, and maple syrup waffles.
Most of the focus groups that Luntz badgers look like the beginning of any "Saw" movie.
How the FUCK did Tony Robbins buy a NFL franchise?
I'm more of a "Voodoo" or "The Sign of the Southern Cross"...but I also like later Black Sabbath stuff as well...
I assume that is a place mat at the local Waffle House?
This guy is gonna have to win another Heisman AND cure AIDS to get drafted #1 in the current NFL climate..
Seeing as he was a notch on Paris Hilton's bedpost, I assume he left because Fox couldn't keep buying Valtrex by the case. Also, his exploding crotch was becoming a fire hazard in the studio.
Fuck that shit. Cowboy Joe has no issue grabbing Paps jersey. I wish he had fucking cold-cocked that fat-ass glory whore
Drew is HUGE on the Conservative web thingies.....http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Spor…
Yeah because when you get some Connecticut blowhard who made a career out of suing everyone in his state and misrepresenting his military service talking about someone else's morality and judgement, that rich irony. Fucking Blumenthal should just be glad he's not getting curb-stomped like all the other Dems in…
Keith Olbermann just sprung a full-blown chubbie. Now he has a full week of Special Comment......
The stiletto in the barking spider is from "Jade" and yes, I am ashamed that I knew that immediately.
I assume to the outsider that watching a Bengals game is akin to watching the chili fart scene in Blazing Saddles....
She almost single-handedly KILLED Casino Royale, which is saying something for a ass-kicking Bond movie. So much for sexy Bond girls..........