
It’s rumored Maria’s writing her character to be the ante hero.

I swear to god I’m not trying to be smarmy or holier-than-thou here, but I have a really hard time reconciling this website’s coverage of things like CTE and the huge cost of brutal hits ... and its routine celebration of brutal hits, injuries, and people getting knocked the fuck out.

It’s time we all admit that this Yankees team is young, fun and likable until the camera pans to the crowd at Yankee Stadium.

So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?

Honey!? Where’s the dry stationary?

Every time they trot that tired D out against Brady, there’s no doubt in my mind what’s about to occur over the course of the next 4 quarters. At least I can enjoy watching other Steelers fans’ expectations be crushed because they refuse to accept the reality despite it being pretty fucking regular at this point.

Pittsburgh is a classic “we do what we do, and you have to stop us”. Which to teams like the Pats is fucking catnip.

I am a gray on Deadspin, but not on some of the associated sites. While I know commenting to be as valuable as shouting into the void, there’s always the slight hope of some acknowledgement I’m not the only one shouting.

Next up: Atlanta Falcons.

Whoever the 70th person to star this joke was, you done fucked up.

It seems a little hypocritical to freely post unsubstantiated, salacious and fairly ridiculous accusations about the President-Elect.

To be fair, it is a little hard to evaluate snap judgments in the field unless you have a third party like a CIA team reporting back. A team, like the Seals, is going to stick together even if their buddy is molesting imported Komodo dragons... no one on the team is going to say anything to command. It is also isn’t

Eli, sadly, was not invited

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