
Somewhere, up in Heaven, an angel is pounding the shit out of the red and black buttons and having his friend move the joystick.

I once participated in a friend’s funeral who died tragically of a rare cancer at age 40. This guy served multiple tours in the 82nd Airborne and got shot at on a number of occasions. He could have had a free military funeral with full honors, but he went with the Steelers jersey instead. Never in question.

At the risk of inflating Drew’s Melon to the size of a Rocky Ford Canteloupe, I have to agree he’s dead on about Steeler Fan’s “waterboard you with a Terrible Towel” reaction to any criticism of their alter-egos. This is the only WYTS every year that I’m too chicken to forward on to friends who cheer for other teams.

The tip of the spear wears out with too much use.

I’ve never seen anything like it either. Not only do Community Colleges have football teams, but apparently these games are televised and feature live commentary.

Che Guevara looked good in a beret. While killing a lot of people and advocating communism.

American Heroine. I know it's Senior slide week, but grammar up, dude.

I love how “Migi-Cam” came and went as a trademark for their rim-mounted camera after only a year.

Wow - really takes me back. Spent the early 80's with a Navy dad at Oceana and Dam Neck, and used to ride my bike around the hangars, hang out with the cool 20-something pilots and flight crews, and sit on the grassy the runoff slopes at the end of the runways. Used to love seeing the jets scream going out and whine

With 3 1/2 months hindsight on my side - how do you feel about your opinion now, Barry?

I'm a huge fan, but I have to say you mailed it in this week, Drew.

She was just there to warm up the crowd for the main event: Miss Ogeny.

40. With a penchant for fiery foods that are delicious and opposed to my GI tract. I want to say it's happened 3 or 4 times, always self-inflicted due to food choices.

Further proof that John Daly was ahead of his time.

"You can't go back and change it and you can't say it didn't's just there."

John Goodman declined the offer to participate, because the Dude does not roll on Shabbos.

Most inspired courtroom freestyle I've seen since...

Alerting the bullpen - clearly seeking a right-handed short term reliever.

Talk about surreal - I tuned in an hour late and fast forwarded my DVR through 60 minutes of terrible passing, porous defense, and shots of tearful, obnoxious entitled fans - with the boys in yellow down 7-0...for a moment I thought I'd watched a Steelers game.