
And a future IO9 editor has taken her first steps into a larger world... :D

The typical perception of the medieval peasant is someone breaking his back doing nonstop labor for lords who gaveth not a single fuck as to his well-being, but your typical peasant actually worked around eight hours a day, with breaks for meals and naps. But it does seems at certain points in Medieval history that

You understand why you are all here? You are not down here as punishment. You are all here to UNDERSTAND the Sins of our fathers. But this cannot be teached,it has to LIVED.

The M-497 :

"Ok,so what it's the mark?"

The moment men put aside magical thinking and started to observe that things happened becauuse of a concatenation of events is when you can say the Scientific Method emerge. Evidence so far indicates that empirical thinking was commonplace in Egypt. But when and where the first progenitors of this method first

When It emerged from its Maker's basement,the World was gone.

My gosh, those Max Fleischer shorts. The art was simply gorgeous.

I'm partial to the illustrations of Charles Robinson & William Heath Robinson.

TRANS: Grow healthy, little giant! The Soviet Army is watching over you!"

There's nothing about the moon that is stable...

I don't see what any of these have to do with Maleficent... or with goth... Siouxsie demands an explanation for this.

"Then the Lord rained down Missile Command from out of the heavens"

AVGN said it best: "It's like puking on a pile of shit"...

QS just needed better parenting.

Imagine -the dying man muttered to the recording memory in his envirosuit- all our Gods and Devils.