
Is this a serious story or is it one of those web porn comic you're so fond of? :D

Would I buy one? If I had more space in my studio ,absolutely. Would the wife let me? Nope... :(

Why haven't the Chia Pet people jumped into the Groot fever?

And a future IO9 editor has taken her first steps into a larger world... :D

"Foooorla! Forla Naatrascheen!° sang the last Bard to the Mad God in old Tongue of Twilight. For as long as she sang the World would remainsafe from the Green Wrath.

The typical perception of the medieval peasant is someone breaking his back doing nonstop labor for lords who gaveth not a single fuck as to his well-being, but your typical peasant actually worked around eight hours a day, with breaks for meals and naps. But it does seems at certain points in Medieval history that

Hippos are right behind cassowarys as the animals that will fuck you up good if you're not careful...

You understand why you are all here? You are not down here as punishment. You are all here to UNDERSTAND the Sins of our fathers. But this cannot be teached,it has to LIVED.

Travelling north from there,you will eventually bump into the megalithic Gate of The Sun. Nobody knows exactly how or even why the Tiwanaku built this thing.


What we need to do is bring back methods of relieving urban social stress that modern social networks can't remotely. Namely,we need to bring back Topless Female Prizefighters:

Betrayed by your own star. You may fire when ready...

I wouldn't mind spending a couple of days at Bombadil's Inn.

When you build something like this,you gotta think ahead. You gotta leave something for people from the Future to ponder and rack their brains on. Something like

Now playing

Nothing can top the Lyrebird episode to me...

As bad as the Frisco quake it wasn't nearly as bad the 1923 Kanto earthquake in Tokyo. This quake gets mention a lot but I don't think most people realize how biblical things got back then,

The M-497 :