
This is one of those times you thank the Heavens that you only have boys... :)

All this talk of Batman not killing makes it looks as if the Dark Knight has an spotless record...

History is full of Jofreys,but sadly -contrary to Judeochristian Hollywood theism- not all ever got their proper Comeuppance Cake...

What the Hell is this bullshit?! OMG... This makes that War in the North game that came out some years ago look like a masterpiece. You can't "partially turn" into a Mordor wraith. Once you're down that path,that is. Fucking Illuvatar can't climb down for his lazy ass and he can't turn your ass back from black. You

Fuck yo Blue Rayz,in my time games were packaged with flare!

(insert I AIN'T EVEN MAD gif)

The flying fuck?! In that same vein I could say that Pixar's Brave was ripped off a French graphic novel called Pyrenee:

Some people take this fan theory bullshit way too seriously. Like some folks going around saying that Alladin takes places in a post-apocalyptic future or that the Big Bang Theory people are all the descendants of the Enterprise crew.

My son and I were playing a bit last night and I was commenting with him during the jaw-dropping hatch-entering sequence that the closest thing we had to Titanfall when I was a kid was the arcade version of Battlezone. Which kinda made me wich there was a joystick control pad for this game just like old Battlezone had


Now playing

Wait a minute,so now The US of A is the place where we DON'T get censorship? Wow,a lot changes in a decade. Pretty sure Whacko Jacko would've popped a vein if he had learned of a videogame with abortion jokes in it...

Who cares if he's Half Jewish or Half Ooompaloompa,you get to fight MechaHitler!

"When a man, during congress, turns round, and enjoys the unfeeling woman without leaving her, while she embraces him round the back all the time, it is called the 'turning position,' and is learnt only by practice.'" - Vatsyayana The Kama Sutra

Goddamn it,I leave the Interwebz for one week -one bloody week!- and I come home to this news?! Goddamn it... :(

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When Scores were high
And Xbox Live worth playing
I dreamed that LucasArts would never die
I dreamed that EA would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And games were made and used and resold
There was no DLC to be paid
No skin unsung, no level wasted