Just a good ole boy, never meaning no harm
Just a good ole boy, never meaning no harm
Here's the video. Not sure how long they'll keep it live.
They are now the people I most enjoy spending time with.
For me… all because of this
My father was an engineer at Douglas in Long Beach from 1947 until he retired in 1987. I know that he worked out bugs on the DC-9/C-9 AirStair and he later led the DC-10 cargo handling systems group. He generally over-engineered everything, except perhaps those pesky DC-10 cargo doors. (That one was particularly hard…
C'mon Brazil you can come back! Only down by one touchdown!
It's a Spur Throat Toothpick Grasshopper. It's harmless. Just big. They kind of remind of lubbers (people in the south know what I am talking about) only green.
Oh, I know. But the bullshit argument that Title IX to blame, complete with the "I have a daughter. too" qualifier was just too steaming not to kick.
Step 1: Every MLS club fields a professional youth team
Personally, I think you should go fuck yourself.
I'm not even American and I was proud of that performance. Absolute passion. Y'all deserved to win.
you know something? you fucking suck. i hope Luis Suarez bites your dick off.
Nothing is more 'Murica than collusion.
Basically the Brazilian air force is the best little air force in the world. They build the capability they need instead of buying fancy shit they don't need.
Some street justice for bastards that are parking like animals in Moscow. Very popular show by the way.
"Fuck the Kings."
yeah! How come they didn't have any power plays in OT?!?
Right, because knees are totally designed to bend this way! Yeah, he's faking.
"Here's your problem. See this support column? Looks like it was designed by a guy who learned calculus at a school which spent its money on a football stadium instead of a decent teacher."