
Jesus Christ, Charles. These submissions are supposed to be depressing in a funny way, not straight up depressing.

I thought conservatives were hardline fundamentalists when it came to private property rights. Now all of a sudden, his ass thinks he should get to trespass because he’s Ben Carson.

Guys who have won playoff games this decade include:
Tim Tebow
Case Keenum
Blake Bortles

It’s always going to be Boston. Doesn’t matter the sport or the year or how good or bad the team was the previous year. Boston fans will be the most aggrieved.

jesus christ put that away.

Did...did we watch the same show? I don’t think we did. I have been reduced to hate watching this now...

I’m assuming “ride on the back of Drogon” is a euphemism for “procreated and produced a fuzzy white dragon named Falcor.”


“White Walkers HATE her! This one neat dagger trick will end the Long Night”


True, but honestly, it’s more likely that there WERE Black people in the room, but if they were brave enough to say all of these things, they were ignored and overruled. Or fired. Sometimes when we speak up about yt nonsense, they just kick us out. (see: the recent string of fashion industry trolling, er stunts, at

Nicely done- I can dig it. As a makeup-wearing lady person who also likes to kick ass (no special powers, just kickboxing), I don’t automatically consider my choice on makeup to be a commentary on the patriarchy. 

You are not alone. I do not like them, either. Blech.

Lori Loughlin is a conservative Christian. Shut the fuck up if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Well that is true for some animals like Elk, which are called Elk in Eurasia but Moose in North America. But jaguars and leopards are entirely separate animals. Leopards have rosette patterned spots with nothing in the center where as Jaguars have black dots in the center of their rosette patterned spots.

I know they’re worried about legal ramifications, but at some point I think Valve just needs to come out and say:

You can pry my bread and tortillas from my cold dead hands. Bury me in burritos.

If this place is known for its fried chicken, and they knew they were having a Valentine’s rush, there is also a good chance they were just firing chicken knowing the orders were going to be coming in.  

And all they sell on the truck is tenders! THEY’RE SO GOOOOOOOOOD

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