
I’ve got regular TV to watch on Thursday. That’s prime television night! And Assassin’s Creed Origins to play when I don’t have regular TV to watch. My team is horrible. I stopped watching the Bears last year and feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I know my blood pressure is lower. I could not give a

Girl, I’m with you. Fuck Solas. Even before the whole thing he did (and the Tresspasser stuff), something about him came off as wrong. I never did like him. I had a hard time making my Inquisitors like him - though I had a few who were friends with him much to my personal chagrin. Never had anyone romance him. Most of

Well played, sir, well played. A star for you.

I’ve not seen any faceless people or twisted animals yet, but I’ve not played it for super long. Last night my game arrived, and I played w/o the PS4 day one update. The only thing that happened was when I went to the full scale map the game quit on me. Also had one noticeable bout of lag while riding the camel.

Where is this magical Wonderland in the photo that gives out full sized Hershey Bars?

I’m a fan of pickeled onions. And they take like 20 minutes. Easy peasy.

I’m surprised the water rate for Chicago proper is so low. Everything else here is sky high. Two of the suburbs near me (I’m on the NW side) are more expensive than Chicago (Lincolnwood and Skokie). Lincolnwood has more minorities than Skokie does, if I’m not mistaken. Skokie is less expensive than Lincolnwood by a

Side note: Every time I see the word paradigm, I have a flash back to that commercial where the inspirational speaker refers to it as the para-dig-um from a few years back. In my mind I can’t not pronounce it that way now. I have no idea what that commercial was for, but I remember that.

I’m still gonna scream like a 12 year old at a Harry Styles concert when this arrives in my mailbox. I’m a woman with very little shame.


I used Albanese at my wedding back in 2011! Mostly because they had my wedding colors that I just ordered in bulk, but also, they are based in my home state (Indiana) and I gotta give the place some love now and again since it’s generally a conservative hellscape.

I love this game too! I tend to fall back on certain games when I am between games. Usually that would be an Assassin’s Creed or Dragon Age, but I find that I come back to this game now too.

I’d eat the hell out of that skull. Because prosciutto.

I personally am looking forward to this. Ancient Egypt is one of the most fascinating historical time period and I’ve been giggling like a 12 year old girl at at Justin Bieber concert about this game. (I’m a woman with no shame).

I hope he milks Kansas dry - not that that will be hard to do since Brownback has essentially bankrupted the state with his inept trickle down policies.

California is paying for emissions standards for clean air and fuel economy the rest of us don’t have to deal with.

Typically (at least in fiction) books go hardback -> trade paperback -> mass market paperback in the book cycle. Some books forego the hardback stage and only come out in trade, and then go to mass a year or so later.

A day without bacon is like a gray, miserable, rainy day where your shoes get so wet that they soak through your socks and you are at work and don’t have a back up pair and have to sit there with cold wet feet.

Good. Just because you are carrying out the law doesn’t make you above the law. Too many police officers get away with BS because there is no fear of any repercussions.

I’m glad I’m not the only person who hears Q whenever I hear John DeLancie talk.