Goddamnit 2016!
Goddamnit 2016!
I only ever got burned from a relaxer once. And it was from a brand I had used in the past. I no longer relax. My hair is 3B/3C curly and never needed to be relaxed to begin with, it is just what was done in Indiana in the 1980s. We all relaxed our hair. And then just kept doing it. Until I wanted highlights and my…
I don’t get why a library cat is such a weird thing. Every Bodega in NYC has a cat. And said cat will just lie around sleeping for 18 hours looking adorable. It’s not like the cat is going to eat the books. Seems like this guy should have picked a better battle.
I shower in the morning. My husband showers at night. Since we have a one bathroom condo this works out well for us.
I had someone post my work email address in a review for my tour company on Trip Advisor. It’s the worst. The literal worst. Now I get all the weirdest random crap in it. But I think Trip Advisor took down all the reviews on my company because we refused to pay them for the privilige of having unbiased reviews.
Sassy was my bible as a teenager. That and Alternative Press for all things musical.
I love Assassin’s Creed (and admit to being a bit of a fangirl) but this game makes me stabby as hell. I hate Connor. I hate the end. I hate how sticky Connor’s controls are. And I really really hated that the map did not fill in after you hit all the damn viewpoints. I played it again a second time just to see if I…
Soundgarden reference deserves all the stars.
I’m surprised you have cilantro shortages!
I think if any grocery store in my neighborhood ran out of cilantro it would be a sign of end times. Of course, I live in a neighborhood that has a large Mexican population. You can also get limes 10 for $1 in my hood on sale.
I wonder what my planet Vortexopia looks like now? It was always kind of crappy and rainy with toxic rain but man it was loaded with vortex cubes. Maybe I’ll pop this game back in. I didn’t hate it, but I just wanted more to do in it.
Rumor has it this took place somewhere in the greater Chicagoland area. My bet is that is was some cushy collar county suburb.
Well, the Cubs finally did win the World Series. So there is that. I will say I just took a flight out of earlier this month from O’Hare from the international terminal and never have I gotten through security and onto a plane so quickly or easily. And the flight itself was way better than anything I’ve taken on AA UA…
I’d sooner gnaw off my own hand at the wrist than fly like this. If I wanted to be treated like cattle worse than normal economy is, I’d fly Spirit.
I’d like to vote for any perfectly good food that hipsters feel the need to “deconstruct”. If I wanted to put together my own meal or drink I’d eat at home.
We’d get into a custody fight over the cat. I would win since she loves me but merely only likes him, but it would get ugly.
My husband left president blank. I live in Illinois.. so here it didn’t really matter... but honestly, that really bugs the everloving shit out of me. And disappoints me.
I work for a tour company.. all of the Canadians I’ve talked to in the last couple of days have asked me how I’m feeling and have expressed concern.
Wat? The real champions are the Cubs!
If I were Barack Obama (and I’m clearly not..) I would have punched Trump dead in his mouth hole for the whole birther thing. Barack Obama is fundamentally a better, more magnanamous person than I am, though.