
My husband still owns a flip phone and refuses to upgrade to anything remotely this decade. He always wants to call and chit chat but I spend all damn day on a phone at work. I’d like to just text him, but that’s not going to happen...

Keep pounding? What even is that, Panthers fans? That sounds vaguely sexual and kind of dirty.

I admire your dedication to your childhood, my friend. It’s all fun and games until someone stabs him in his unprotected groinal area.

Chainmail? Heavy plate? Maybe I’ve been playing too many RPGs? I don’t think a leather chest strap and a fur loincloth is very safe. It’s like a chainmail bikini!

Or gay S&M. Not that I know anything about gay S&M as a straight married almost 40 year old woman. Heh.

This is a pretty girl.

The only sports game I’ve ever had a love affair with was SSX Tricky/3. Man those two games were fun as hell and had the best soundtracks. EA has never been able to recapture that magic. *sigh*

My go to deck is Monsters. I actually have a fair amount of ranged and siege cards for the deck to balance out the close combat cards. I also have a couple of commander’s horns in there to maximize damage. My spies also seem to turn up a lot when I play.

Side note.. doesn’t it look like He-Man is dressed for a gay S&M club? Is it just me? Am I the only person whose mind goes there?

You had me at “battle panthers”.

I helped my dad move some ridiculously heavy bags of rock. Rock is cheap. Who knew? I took some paint samples from Menard’s because I want to paint my bathroom. I judged my mom’s Witcher playing style. Then I got on a train back to Chicago. I’m still on the train.

I’d like to say my cat would use one of these puzzles but she would not. She does not cat correctly. She doesn’t like boxes or lasers or even sitting on a cat tree.

I read a lot of books. My husband is kind of disgusted at me for buying books instead of checking them out of the branch of the Chicago Public Library he works at. But I don’t like reading books that other people have felt up and dog eared and otherwise molested. I generally go through a book a week (I’m not saying

We could be the same person. Also in Chicago. I’m a region rat at heart. Who the hell came up with that anyhoo?

It’s cool to have a hobby that is not a typical “lady” hobby. I mean, we can go shopping together and do “lady” things, but we can also go shopping together for video games. (Ha!) I’m always appreciative of the time we have together since we live in different states.

The family that games together (or separately) stays together? Except for my dad. He makes up for it by having no filter and knowing how to swear in Klingon.

She just turned 68. :)

My mother is playing Blood and Wine right now and came across a mission where ROACH FREAKIN TALKS! I’ve not yet come across that mission (in fact this bothers the crap out of me because I’m a bit of a completionist and she is not). She said Roach sounds like a man though, which is weird because she is always a mare.

Soap is not actually about killing germs. It is about encapsulating germs in soap bubbles so you can then rinse them down the sink. So normal soap works for that just fine.

I only use a washcloth when I am washing my face - like before bed. I then hang it on the shower curtain rod spread out so it drys as quickly as possible.