I do not doubt it one bit!
I do not doubt it one bit!
But... there is a horse named Summon Up the Blood in the Equestrian events which is the most witchcrafty name in the history of ever for a horse.
Phelps went full on “Come at me, bro” in the pool. I had a flashback to GoT and The Night’s King and Jon Snow.
I’m sad no one called Eli a retarded muppet this year. Man, I still think of that comment in one of the previous years WYTS editions and giggle. I’m a terrible, terrible person. Don’t let your daughters grow up to be like me.
I’ll be that person. I kinda like cargo shorts. In fact, I took MrMojito to Old Navy and bought him a pair of new cargo shorts. I’m not letting him walk around in jorts and flat front khaki shorts just seem so.. old man on the golf course. He is not preppy enough to go for the plaid shorts that you wear to the family…
Sadly, caffeine does nothing for me. NOTHING!! My dad is the same way. We get no withdrawal symptoms, no boost either. I can stop drinking it for weeks on end and nothing happens. I can drink it right before bed and fall asleep like a baby. I’m a freak.
That stadium is like, peak 1980's. It looks a little Miami though. All you need is Crockett and Tubbs to make a guest appearance.
I see this shit in my FB feed all the time. It makes me roll my eyes so damn hard. The one person who is serious about him is from Arizona. I’ve kind of unfollowed the active Trumpers at this point though. I can’t even with this election.
Seattle makes my retinas burn. I hate them. The person who designed them also probaby did those Oregon Ducks uniforms as well.
After reading all the comments from the fans, I kind of want to give Brendan a hug. I’m sorry you live in Tampa. It sounds like a terrible, terrible place.
I just can’t with the socks. I just can’t. I said the same thing with the North American premier. The socks...
Steel? I hope with a name like that he becomes a stripper. Or does porn. Those are the only two possible career choices when one is named Steel.
I.. I have not seen Inside Out. Or Toy Story 3. Did see Monsters, Inc. Didn’t cry. Since I don’t have kids I don’t see as many of those Disney/Pixar movies as the average person, I guess.
I only ugly cried at Up. It hit me right in the feels, that beginning montage. Maybe my ovaries were working overtime.. Conversely, I still giggle every time when Vincent Vega accidentally shoots that guy in the head in Pulp Fiction. Not sure what that says about me emotionally. You decide.
That’s an affront to poor Draco Malfoy.
Yeah, and it was a long way from my home planet too. I took a meandering path around the spiral I was in and made a lot of trade routes and terraformed a bunch of planets and colonized the crap out of things to be able to get there. I don’t remember a whole lot but I do remember doing that distinctly. Mostly it was…
Ah Spore. I found our solar system in Spore. Terraformed the crap out of Venus and Mars. Fun times! Getting to the center of the galaxy was a pain in the ass. I mean, it was an enjoyable pain in the ass. But the joy of it was finding Earth and realizing the galaxy we were exploring was our own!
I read the Bears every year with some kind of giddy love/hate glee. I lovehate the Bears.
Wait wait wait. If she went to the DNC would she not have her usual contingent of SS drones around her? Not sure why people are all angry about it wasting tax payer money... As for her having fun... she is 18, is she not allowed to have fun? So many people have very large sticks up their bums in this country.
I’d totally skip Radiohead to see Major Lazer and I’m 39. but I was never big into Radiohead. And I love to dance. So different strokes, I guess?