I feel your pain. I pre-ordered AC Syndicate. They sucked me in with Victorian England and the promise of a proper badass lady assassin. (What?! I love a good corset). And if it is glitchy and shitty I have no one to blame but myself for a lack of impulse control.
Ugh. Honestly, I don’t need an app to tell me someone is an asshole. Generally I can ferret that out after about 5 minutes of interacting with them. And people I have to interact with on the daily are the only ones I could conceivably see this being used for, and those are the exact people you would not want this sort…
Yep. But apparently theft is okay with God.
Well, in the context I heard it - someone said they went HAM on a free buffet.. so maybe they were acting like a wild pig!!
Where have these adorable baby owls been my entire life?
I had to ask someone what going ham meant the other day. Who knew it stood for hard as a mofo? I was thinking it should actually be hot ass mullet or honey and mead or humans are mean.
I really like the Victorian era. And I really like that we get a proper lady assassin (I’m still bitter that Aveline got a half ass game at best). I really hope that Ubi doesn’t cock this up. I did not hate AC Unity like a lot of people did. My game played fine. I actually kind of liked Arno. I thought it was sweet…
Because they have some intern running their facebook page.
Anyone who sends emails or company letters in comic sans should be immediately fired. Having said that... I really quite enjoyed Reckoning before my 360 crapped out. I mean it was a decent enough RPG. The level cap at 40 sucked though.
Unless it smells funky or looks wonky or is a color I’ve grown out of, I throw away nothing.
Sex education. You mean the “sex is bad don’t have it” crap they pass off as sex education in most areas in the US these days??
I want to give this 137,000 more stars.
I love Ulta. You get high end and drug store brands in one spot. What is not to love? Also, I really like their house brand of lotions and shower gels.
I don’t hate winter. But I really do hate summer. So much sweat. But then again as a hardened Chicagoan who has never lived anywhere there hasn’t been winter for at least 4 to 6 months it is all I know. I kind of like wearing my big down coat and faux furry boots. Oh, and scarves! I’m terrible if it’s icy though...
Summer is the literal worst. Team Fall!
A lot of agents are home based. So they may have an office somewhere for a phonebook listing but a lot of the agents work from their homes. I work for a tour company and I’m always surprised at how often they call in to book things.
I can confirm as a native Hoosier that it is big in Indiana. But I never played it. All of the white kids did. We did occasionally play a family game of Spades though. But then again my parents are originally from Pennsylvania, so I might have been Hoosiering incorrectly. Of course, I’m in Chicago now, so it’s a moot…
It’s not a party until an IL governor gets arrested!
I used to work for a doctor and I used to use one to take blood pressure when I would occasional triage a patient. No medical degree at all!