Casper Andersen

When you buy your ticket for live action Akira you also get free copies of Winds of Winter and Half Life 3

So if nothing else, the readers will learn what happened to Jeyne Poole, Lady Stoneheart, Penny and her pig, Skahaz Shavepate, Arianne Martell, Darkstar, Victarion Greyjoy, Ser Garlan the Gallant, Aegon VI, and a myriad of other characters both great and small that viewers of the show never had the chance to meet.

He has stated that he won’t start (and hasn’t started) Dream of Spring (or whatever) until he’s finished with Winds of Winter. I’m pretty certain this means he’s never actually going to finish the series.

The “real” ending will be what I’ve said it will be all along.

Your comment is just as common as the complaints now. People invested themselves in the book series, they are allowed to be discouraged too. You are correct, he doesn’t owe us anything, that doesn’t mean fans of the book aren’t allowed to vocalize (commentize?) their discontent. GRRM was adament the show wouldn’t

Lets be honest, people are grading the series on a curve comparing it to its former self.

Avengers: Age of Ultron introduced the deeply troubling, reductive idea that Black Widow saw herself as a monster because of the Red Room procedure that rendered her sterile (though some debate this).

“Bitch please, you’ve been to space.”

Personally I prefer the original look from the live action Sonic makeup test.

Alright, so I have given this a lot of thought. And this is the only logical way it could end.

Someone did pay the price: the taxpayers. ;)

My prediction is

I hear this Mysterio will also have a dagger that can turn back the Sands of Time. The twist is that he is also just a torso reliving the last eight minutes of someone else’s life before they get crushed by a falling jet engine.

I think he’s saying that he can’t figure out who it’s for beyond possibly blog site childrens’ show reviewers, particularly those willing to let things slide with a big of ideological pandering. I haven’t seen the show, but I will say all the stills and clips are remarkably poorly drawn (which is somewhat true to the

Given what a stinking, poorly animated pile of garbage the show is it’s probably better He-Man not be in there. Both She-Ra and He-Man deserve better, but this show is rather transparently neither for fans of the original shows or for kids, is it? 

My advice - not that you asked for it - lower your expectations, and let go of how you think it should be. Let it be its own thing or don’t see it. Otherwise, you are going to be disappointed

Nice try - I have boobs.

The animation looks bad (it’s SO stiff!) and the character designs are worse. The worst is the MC - I know the rule for TV girl heroes right now is “feminine is bad”, but Adora looks flat out like a teenage boy. If I was previously unaware of this show and you told me this was a He-Man remake instead, I’d easily believ

There’s 2 things about this movie I just can’t wrap my mind around: