Casper Andersen

“Clothing with names is the #1 thing that leads to kidnapping”

Yeah, so Totalbiscuit’s initial tweet was totally rational and reasonable. He didn’t call the game terrible, he simply said it wasn’t for him. The response from the developer was kinda’ out of line.

Star if you couldn't resist cracking your knuckles while reading this.

Personally, I got my ankles as well, just to be sure.

Might even be room for a good chunk of Justin Bieber fans if you pack ‘em right.

Seems like a convenient place for Bears fans to deposit all of their hopes and dreams of their beloved team making it to the playoffs anytime in the next five years. Heeeyoooo!

Fill it with One Direction fans and close it up.

Hahaha that train bit. This looks fun.



Maybe don’t outsource your boss fights this time.

Yeah but they’re Nintendo. They get a free pass because of NOSTALGIA! How dare you legitimately criticize a company for a stupid business practice. I have fond memories of Nintendo games that aren’t as good as I remember and therefore they are perfect and above criticism.

This is an unpopular opinion in gaming in general, but especially among Kotaku commenters where they seem to get more lip service than elsewhere, but for my money, Nintendo is the least consumer-friendly company in gaming right now (outside of mass produced free to play garbage companies, but nobody cares about

“Restaurant food was decent but I had to provide my own bread and wine. The next day I was nailed to a plank of wood and died. Would not recommend.”

And if you've played Subspace Emissary, then I'm sure you're familiar with this non-canon Ganon Cannon.

I'm not even a Dragon Ball Z fan, but for some reason I love that Ronda Rousey is.

That's pretty dang cool right there. But honestly, I wish quality women like Rousey would stay away from WWE until they get their shit together. We all know they treat women like crap. The Diva Division has been a joke since... always. And as great as the occasional outlier is - AJ & Paige currently, and women like

I laughed. Now I feel bad

Conor not only met the real Daniel Bryan, he met the real Undertaker.

Welcome to Kinja, Mr. McMahon.