Casper Andersen

Bets on this getting cancelled after one season?

The problem was that we had been given too many choices, and there was just no way that the developers could’ve possibly respected all of them well. It’s a general problem that choice-driven series face when they’re able to push off the consequences of a choice onto a future dev team.

This is why you don’t do a 1:1 adaptation of an anime to live action. People actually defended this adaptation, and now Ed just makes everything look even worse.

Not sure what I expected, but thank you. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

Woof, that is bad. Like the worst kind of fan film you see on a con channel.

Now playing

Spoilers, but folks: it’s real fucking bad! While it is a faithful translation of the Ed from the show, it also makes crystal clear why they should not have done that. 

I’ve got no problem with this. Wonderful voice cast, some okay design work. Good stuff for kids. I just wish it hadn’t had to be tied to He-Man. Not out of some misplaced nostalgia nonsense, but because it has basically no connection other than a few random names and a kid who transforms into a muscle-man. It being a

It is this type of irresponsible behavior from unaccountable State bureaucrats that are driving many of the State’s best businesses out of California”

I’ve tried 1 a few times and 2 once. Didn’t care for either. But I have heard that 2 is much better to get into so maybe I’ll give it another go some time.

*Lights up on Frankenstein’s laboratory. Melissa’s Character is here, but she doesn’t belong. She knocks over a beaker, and then her heel catches the sheet covering THE MONSTER*

Melissa: “OH WOW. Are those bolts on your...”

*reaches to touch bolt and bolt falls off of THE MONSTER*

Melissa: OH SHOOT. Uhhhh *frantically

Did more than 1/4 of the episodes even have nudity? This feels like a weird criticism to level at this series. 

A lot of work? That can’t be right! I was LOUDLY told many times on here and on Twitter that the Snyder Cut was ready to be released IMMEDIATELY with no tweaks because “picture lock.” Are you telling me Twitter was wrong?

I loved Spy and was hoping for another McCarthy/Statham pairing but am glad to see Cannavale and Bateman. It looks fun, with an opportunity for Spencer to play around. The trailer makes me want to watch. 

I feel like this is missing something. Like Kristen Wiig’s comedic stylings. Give her powers that are cat like while at the same time have absolutely nothing to do with a cat.

It’s clearly that stuff from The 5th Element that drips down Zorg’s forehead when he talks to “Mr. Shadow.”

Jesus, if he publishes the dam books I’ll have to read the entire series again just to see where the infinite story lines left off. I can’t commit that kind of time. 

why not? I mean, there’s only just one movie.

Again, I’m reminded of the dystopian novel — maybe David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas? — in which “disney” has replaced “movie” as the generic term for motion pictures.

The sex scenes in this are going to be so weird.