Casper Andersen

Suck that he got fired. But his claim that Aftermath was so terribly rated because of the alt-right is full of shit. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Star Wars book so universally hated.

I just cannot imagine Aladdin without Robin Williams...

“We’re going to change juuuuust enough to piss people off, but not enough to justify this existing in the first place.”

wow, mass murder on a global scale was right... Guess i’ll never take a single word CPM says seriously ever again.

Oh well, if one out of ten of accused men have thier lives totally ruined by false accusations that’s just fine. Is it just a necessary price of holding the other nine accountable? That’s not justice. It’s wreckless over reach and plain wrong. I’m glad women are standing up and that a new day is dawning, but some

Totally. The evidence that people are unhappy with how Disney handled TLJ is out there. You don’t even have to agree with their views to SEE that people are having these reactions. It’s weird that the article is basically saying to “ignore those people... they have no impact on sales”.

People have to care a ton before

It’s definitely got that “14 year old find this cool, right?” vibe.

will for the first time ever likely be skipping an MCU film (GotG3)

It is a well known fact that everyone who watches a movie has read literally all of the source material associated with it. It’s why comic shops across the country are going out of business, they can’t keep up with demand.

Okay first and foremost, why didn’t they use the sling ring to cut off the gaunlet when they subdued him? And second, why bother killing off half your characters in such dramatic fashion if you’re going to include literally every character who has a future movie greenlit already? (to say nothing of the

Can we talk about the unfinished FX in the final hero scene?

Red Skull was the biggest surprise in that movie for me.

Considering this is the network that airs Archer, I doubt it. I absolutely love him, but I kinda suspect Glover was the spanner in the works here. He’s an absolute genius, but like most geniuses, he strikes me as incredibly difficult to work with, and every interview I’ve read with him he comes off as a moody little

Literal nonsense. “SheThor” has been a substitute FOR the “regular Thor” series, so that hasn’t even been around for a long time to compare the two. Last time it was being published, it was the exact same creative team as this, and received high praise. Why do people like you comment about things they don’t know about?

Slightly off subject here, but what would you say is your favorite Key and Peele skit? Personally, I have to go with Continental Breakfast, it’s just too good.

I’ll allow it IF it includes the five weeks he stayed uninvited at Charles Dickens’s house.

Youre just too stupid to understand his vision bro! Where is his Nobel Peace Prize!!!?

Weird. It was a fun little tradition. Johnson just loves to kill that past doesn’t he! What a progressive, revolutionary fella!

GamerGate’s specific goals are by nature impossible to define