Casper Andersen

I watched Civil War just after I had seen Black Panther and the action scenes involving Black Panther stand in sharp contrast between the two movies. Black Panther moves and fight a lot more visually interesting in Civil War, the Russo Brothers are a just a lot better at action scenes, it seems. Cap was also a lot

Well they are the one nation on earth technologically advanced enough to put up a serious threat. It would make sense to strike hard there as one of his first targets. We saw they have a big enough armory and the spy network to arm severeal resistence groups througout the world.

In the opening narration there is a line about how the vibranium meteor also affected the “flora and fauna” around it. Which could also explain those oversized rhinos (though they could just as easily be wakandan genetic experiments).

Marvel does have the rights back for Blade, but there doesn’t seem to be any plans so far. And given that they also got all the mutants AND Fantastic 4 characters, I am guessing Blade has been pushed way down a potential to do list at Marvel.
That being said I think he would be a good fit for Marvels Netflix shows (if

Exactly, it feels like the legacy of Blade is more stuff like Underworld or even Matrix, dark almost gothic action thrillers.

I didn’t even know Blade was a comic book character, untill I caught a rerun of the 1994 Spider-Man cartoon sometime after seeing Blade. Blade shows up during the Morbius storyline. I had even

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It seems like just before the tentacle clip comes on, Jeff Goldblum is doing a pose like the vomit scene from “The Fly”:

It is an outrage they didn’t get an actual horse to voice Bojack himself, this is humanwashing of the highest order! It is 2018 people, do we really still accept something so heinous?!

Some find them cute, those weirdos. But I heard someone say that the reason is that they make figures for everything. So if you want a figure of something very specific, like an Overwatch character in a special skin or Hannibal Lecter in the strait-jacket, Funko has a figure for that. And then you find they also has a

And then the whole class stood up and clapped and the teacher gave you 100$ and broke out in tears.

Hint, this person has never worked on a farm

It is so stupid that the “verified” tag doesn’t really have anything to do with actually verifing someone is who they say they are on twitter. If Twitter wants it to mean “people we like”, “people we agree with” or just “ quality content” or something like that, they should at the very least give it another name.

I don’t think America Chavez sold all that much. Yes, all comics are not sellling all that much, but if a series sell less than the rest, it is probably gonna get axed.

Yes, but he did not best a Sith lord in a lightsaber fight or pull of a jedi mind trick without any training. He just sorta used his force sense to enhance his piloting abilities. Everytime Rey has to pull off a force ability she is an instant master of that ability.

Luke spend (at least) a week training with Yoda and he could lift a few small rocks. Rey gets three lessons from Luke and she can lift a mountain.
I like Daisy Ridley and her performance is great, but Rey as a character is just bad. It is exactly the same problem people had with Wesley Crusher on Star Trek, if a

They never explicitly mention this in any of the new movies. I think that theory was first floated around for the Force Unleashed games, to explain why Starkiller could throw around Star Destroyers and stuff like that. But that is no longer canon.
Snooker does say something about the light side bringing forth a

“She’s earned it on her own.”

What did she blow, Woody Allans penis? Isn’t she a bit too old for his tastes?

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He is like a younger more inexperienced version of the Justice League cartoons Aquaman, like after a few years I could see him grow into this (but just a little more laid back):

It is just a joke, come on people

I tried reading some of The Saga of Seven Suns and I had to give up, I was expecting sci-fi when what I got was some warmed over Star Wars Science Fantasy pablum.
So hey may the man should be writing fantasy instead of Sci-fi