Casper Andersen

This just looked so cheap, I really wish they had actually done a movie instead of this garbage.

And I agree, if they want to continue with this version of the royal family, incorprating it into AoS is probably the best option, it is the part of MCU I felt it had the strongest connection with.

“Our minds are still blown by today’s news that a brand-new Star Wars trilogy is in the works”

Really? You didn’t expect Disney was gonna milk Star Wars as hard as they could, when they got the whole thing?

There will be a new Star Wars movie every year from now untill the eventual heat death of the universe. Eventually

Well if you discount all the classic monster crossover movies. Which now that I think about might as well be nothing, they never really worked.

I am shocked and appalled, I thought that putting the cart so far before the horse it was in another time-zone, was for sure gonna work as long term marketing strategy.

Oh fuck, that would have been perfect casting.

I had asummed Peele was the Ben Affleck slacker part of “Key & Peele”, because he just seemed more laid back, smoking pot and such. But I seem to have been dead wrong. I wonder how much of their stuff came from his writng?

The mask is too much, but the rest works really well for an “evil paragon”-archetype supervillain

“Burnham is the opposite of Midas”
A shidas

They have the roster for it, especially once Captain Marvel joins the MCU. You need some big profile characters like her or Black Widow to headline the team.

So far it seems like STD only works if it was set far in the future of the original timeline or a new alternate timeline.
My headcanon so far is that the time travel shenanigans that created the Kelvin timeline, somehow reverberated further back in time, than the actual event. Thus having more far reaching effects.

Yes, the easy access to guns is DEFINITELY not part of the problem. That is why there are so so many mass shootings in places with heavy gun control.

Oh wait...

Other than her default colour scheme being too close to Symmetra to work in-game, this looks like it was actual concept art from the game.

Blade could totally work as a Netflix show, there are already some overtly supernatural elements in Daredevil and even more so in Iron Fist. So Blade and the world he is part of, could easily fit in there. Ghost Rider too for that matter, if he wasn’t as effects heavy.

The question is if Disney are willing to licence

Now that I watched, I did not find it bad. It was hard to place where they were going tonally though. Like it was played too straight to be a regular comedy, but some of the jokes were very silly and the gross-out and sex jokes didn’t seem to fit. But the plot and characters were actually compelling, it felt very much

Damn I had a tiny hope it would actually be good, in spite of Seth MacFarlanes sketchy track record.

I guess it can be considered bad taste if the want to use a real life hate group in the show. But I guess in what light they show them is what matters, if they ridicule them, like seen with other hate groups in popular media such as the KKK and neo nazies, I guess it is fine.

That is so incredibly arrogant. Us europeans and Indians alike have been watching Hollywood movies just as long as americans have. The wider puplic here in Denmark is fully capable of following any storyline, even if someone don’t speak a lick of english. We grow up with subtitles, reading them becomes a reflex. I

Femenist = Asshole is more the norm than the exception. Especially the self-professed male femnists, at best it seems like a sophomoric attempt to get brownie points with women and at worst as a cover for some sort of scumbaggery.

I want some of that good shit you must be smoking, damn.

I wonder if and how this will affect the Marvel Netflix shows. Disney seemingly wants as much of the stuff it owns on its own service, given that the MCU films are being moved there.
I guess Netflix owns some of the shows, at least partly, since it seems like they paid for production. But i could also see Disney