Casper Andersen

They called the evil droid BB-H8? Fuck this toilet earth.

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This whole event makes my skin crawl. You know, I get it, I spend tons of money on stupid nerd shit too. But this unbridled celebration of being able to buy stuff is diseased. This is how I picture everyone going to these events:

I got that impression too, that both the Children of the Forest and the White Walkers are some sort of fae creatures. There is that same Summer/Winter dichotomy as with the seelie and unseelie fae myths.
The show portrays them more as some sort of Ice Liches. I hope we get more into their background if Winds of

Kinja is fucking ass for any kind of discussion.

I had hoped the Flash movie being based on Flashpoint, would let Warner reboot themselves out of the terrible parts of their cinematic universe. Now that sadly seems to not be the case.

I took it not so much as his punch felt the same as Kingpin becomming aware that Matt has some hidden talents. Talents that happen to line up with Daredevils.

Very little of what The Hand was up to made much sense. My guess is that it is like a “Lost” situation, the writers did everything the could to make The Hand seem mysterious in the other shows. But when the time came to finally reveal what The Hand actually were up to, the writers had to pull stuff right out out of

It seems like some measter has developed a man-portable warp drive and given one to all the main characters this season.

It was lukewarm, not directly bad, like most parts of Iron Fist, but not particualy engaging either

That might actually work, an old Micheal Knight and outdated Kitt going up against state of the art supercars. I want this now.

Yo ho...

And Qyburn was a little too full of himself with that pitiful ballista.

Well in the books Doran Martell is pretty badass and is probably not going down like a chump there. Well, hopefully not.

Game of Thrones is basically ASOIAF fan fiction by now, so there is no harm in watching it. The book version is gonna be very different, with probably only a general outline of the plot in common. That is if they ever get released...

The last 30 mins or so where completely forgetable, there a few glimmers here and there ins the rest of the movie. But yeah overall it was a bit of a mess.

I think it was worded more as “not yet”, it also makes sense for the show to find its own feet before being made part of the CWDC mulitiverse. I am sure there will be some form of crossover for season 2 (which it hopefully is good enough to get).

I saw season 1 and found it very silly but also kinda fun. I was sure it was gonna get cancelled, it just seemed like that kinda show. But lo and behold they are actually on season 3 now and there animals with superpowers, human/animal hybrids and a 10 year jump to a post animalocalypse world.

Holy shit this seems dumb

I get that Marvel had to try something new to increase sales, but to throw out almost the entire lineup of classic characters and giving their mantles to new characters was still a strange move. Especially because they did it right when the Marvel movies really took off.
If someone really likes Iron Man in the movies

Since Captain Marvel will be set in the 90s, depending on the outcome of that film, pretty much any character seen in the MCU so far, could have been replaced by a Skrull at some point.

Also why have we not seen her show up for any major events on earth? My guess is her movie will end with her going into space to fight

Euron had 20 good men i.e. plot powers that lets him do whatever the writers want him to do, untill it is his time to die. Which will probably have happened by the seasons end, as the next season will be too busy wrapping up the wider storyline.