Casper Andersen

Will we get Winds of Winter eventually? Yes. Will we ever see GRRM finish the entire saga? Doubtful, at this point.
It almost seems like he is gonna split up WW or A Dream of Spring (or both) in the same vein of FFC and ADWD. And even if there is actually only two books left, it will probably be more than 10 years

Grant Gustin is fine, but the writing makes Flash the biggest fool. I hope they give the “Flash-is-gone” storyline a lot more time to breathe than they did Flashpoint. If his teams learns to be heroes without relying on him all the time, it would make for some good drama when he eventually does return and has to

Nice to see more of Hulks personality come through, he has some more things going on than just smashing stuff in action scenes. So far they have not showed that in the MCU, for whatever reason.

Because Warner doesn’t the patience or guts to really set up their film universe and it all got off to the wrong start anyway.

But man, imagine a world where they had set up the Dick Grayson Robin in a Batman movie. Then had him leave the Bat in a later Batman film, only to be the entry point for a Teen Titans movie.

Well this would be the perfect way to get out of the quagmire of shit that has been the DC Murder-verse so far and still keep the few elements that acutally worked (Wonder Woman).
Question is if that is what they are actually doing or if it just a self-contained plot for the Flash movie. Their track record suggests the

I feel like this movie may be what the emoji movie wants to be, an animated family movie about internet/social media culture.

It could be interesting, but not right away, maybe after the two next Avengers. They have already stated the third Spider-Man movie will be the first in the post-infinity war phase and how Peter will deal with all the crazy shit he will go through in those movies. Putting together a Spider-Team could be a way to deal

Yeah it was a little too much, but I think it was ok since it was actually an imortant plot point (that everyone saw comming from the trailers). That he goes into the final confrontation with his old suit and gets himself out of the rubble was important character moments for him. And the way it is set up, the

I just saw it yesterday and it was simply wonderful. A lot of the recent MCU movies have felt sorta same-ish and formulaic (Guardians 2 excluded). So it was so good to see a MCU movei with a very different feel and a smaller scale, there is no column of light shining into the sky or cities being blown up at the end

I am still baffled by the casting, Valerian looks like a cocaine wreck and even if it fine that Linda doesn’t have red hair, I still don’t see Cara Delavingne as her. Maybe I will get it when I see them in action, but the actors looks are nothing like the characters.

I love this cosmic insanity, I hope they let Galactus stay like this for a good while. This version is a lot more interesting than the generic walking End-of-the-world plot device he had become.

I really oughta go back and finish watching this show. I got behind on all my comic book shows and just too overwhelmed trying to catch to also get Legion done. But now there is nothing new coming out for a while i should have the time to realyl give this its due.

Nah the left seems to be the outrage champs now. I guess they could rage over over the depiction of mexicans or that the show lycnhed a black man (well half black). You know ignoreing the context and only focusing on the specific controversial thing, they seem to be good at that.

J. Micheal Straczynski, he made Babylon 5 and wrote for a bunch of comics. As other have said, Sense8 had similar slow burn as Babylon 5 to begin with and then go really into the mythology and overarcing plot later. I think many people got put off by the slow pace of season 1 and didn’t return for season 2. That,

Damn, it was just starting tp really pick up. Season 1 was very uneven and not all that good in all honesty. But it did have interesting ideas and characters, something season 2 began realy delivering on. But I guess it was just too expensive with all that location filming and giant cast.

Part of the charm of the books and the show is the sometimes meandering plot and pace. In both you get to spend a lot of time with characters in their many and varied conversations with each other. Last season of GoT there hardly seemed to be time for that and as result the pace felt very rushed and with no breathing

My penis is so erect for this movie

Yup I did not like what they did to Captain Cold, he was simply too good as a villain. And these shows need recurring villains that are not the big bad.

Iris will 100% have a new love interest when Barry pops back out of that speed force prison in episode 1 of the next season. Depending on how Arrow ends, there may be a short time jump, say 2-5 years (that way Arrow can continue with its precious flashbacks). So we are gonna get an entire season where Iris and Barry

Yup clearly the person calling for genocide non-transgenders is the sane one...