Casper Andersen

Ah yeah, hadn’t thought about Idris Elba as Constatine, but yeah that would an interesting fit for him. Maybe he comes off as a bit too posh, but Constantines backstory could be changed slightly to fit that.

Not too optimistic about this, but I am gonna watch it anyway to get my cyberpunk fix

Even if I don’t like anything I have seen for the movie so far, I am still really pumped about it. Even if I only get about 10% schlocky cheese and the remaining 90% is standard summer blockbuster/Transformers rippoff crap, I think I will still be happy. I know it is a low bar, but as I said I am not expecting much.


Yeah the Zordon as former ranger fits in well with how Rita seems to be a former green ranger with her tattered suit design and flinging around green energy. That also sets up Lord Z as a new potential big bad, if this gets a sequel.

Yeah I had forgot the christmas special was even out and when I remembered I had to force myself to watch it, I had just sorta lost interest. It was luckily quite good, but nothing fantastic and not something I had eagerly awaited like the last few times. I hope some new energy gets brought into the show , Moffat

A new showrunner and Doctor could be just the thing we need. While Capaldi was a great Doctor, the series as a whole has been sagging in the last few years, so a break could fix that. But I really hope some new creative forces is enough to rivitalize it.

I even forgot he made a sequel, who was asking for that?

That short film was actually kinda satire itself of every Hollywood “Dark and Gritty” reboot. It also happened to be cool, even if it is not what I would want of a big screen adaptation, it could be a fun comic though. Along the same line of the Injustice comics, different and interesting, but not a replacement for

That would be Dean-tastic!

I think you are forgtting where RDJ’s career was at when he was cast in Iron Man

“That’s right. The Defenders are each investigating the mysterious company behind Daredevil season two’s most absurd mystery...”

And they seem to also start the very first action scene with a signature “MCU Netflix Hallway Fight Scene”:

Now playing

They literally do the following plot point too (with a bit more tact though)

The Cars universe is set several years after the machines have won in Terminator. The machines have evovled and unwittingly start to emulate parts of human culture. A few feet underground is a layer of bones, the foundation for the new roads.

At least that is my head-canon for Cars.

It was as much an origin story for “The Kingpin” as it was for Daredevil, it isn’t until the end he has fully embraced being something more than a mob-boss. The scenes with him in Daredevil season 2 is him in full Kingpin mode.

I really hope he gets to be in The Defenders or Iron Fist in some way, but we will probably

Even if it is fucked up that so many cool people passed away this year, it does make sense, a lot of them had done their fair share of hard living with drugs and stuff like that (or they had diseases). It takes a toll and apperantly you are not gonna make it much past 60, having lived like that.

I would like that, a new contiunity starting with another mutant team. Though I wouldn’t mind if the later (like 2-3 movies) introduce some of the X-Men characters, maybe like how it was done in Deadpool. Then they could do a new X-Men film afterwards.

They could also go the MCU route with a reboot, have a bunch of

They gotta have, at the very least, Coulson show up, even if just for a short cameo. I have no idea how the lawyer stuff for this works, but I suspect it may be easier to get just that character in Infinity Wars since he originated in the movies.

Well it is part of Isis propagandato encourage would be self-made jihadist to go all in during special occasions, particularly christmas time.
So while it is not coordinated as such, it is part of their MO.

Its ok, as always the book is better. Some of the casting seems off, Amos is nothing like I saw him in the book. Season 1 also end at a weird point in book 1, like just a few chapters before the end.
They brought in some storylines and characters early, most notably Avasarala, which IMO is fine, the first book did

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Batmans superheroing  don’t really involve a lot of collateral damage, but he is aware that a lot of other heroes can have really destructive fights and he himself will sometimes also wreck some shit. So it may be more of a puplic service thing, all dependent on what he prices these items and services at.

But yeah